Minor Gods Related to Anu Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Antu Quotes From Texts

Antu = Anu’s official spouse


         (Antu speaking:) “My heart bleeds for the accused, my first-born Enlil,

         but it bleeds even more for my daughter (in-law) Ninlil…”


         “Erra (Nergal) heard him [ ]…

He entered [ ].

Anu heard in heaven [ ],

He bowed his lofty head [ ],

Antu (Anu’s spouse), mother of the gods, was aghast [ ],

          She entered her chamber, …”


Ki Quotes From Texts

Ki = sometimes Antu

= sometimes Ninhursag


As Antu:

          So did the Skyfather An (Anu) array himself in a cloak of the purest azure

          to greet his dearest (½) sister-spouse Ki.

          Then in great joy and reverence An,

         who called himself then Heaven approached Ki, whom he called Earth…”


         “’The accused has spoken,’ said Ki, then turning to Ninlil.

         ‘Let’s hear the victim.

         Daughter, would you like to address to the Assembly?’

         Ninlil stood up and graciously bowed to the judges…”


          “’Is your defense based on just desire and passion?’, asked Ki to Enlil, her voice sharp as a razor…”


         Mother Nammu (Anu’s concubine, Enki & Ninhursag’s mother)  the Sea

         who in an act of selfless Self-Love engendered the Skyfather (An)

         who the Assembly presides and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki…”


         An, who presided all judgments, sided by Ki on his right and Enki on his left.

         Father (Anu), Mother (Antu) and (½) Brother (Enki) to Enlil they were,…”


As Ninhursag:

         Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul, Sister without peer,

         Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

         But for me you will forever be Ninhursag, Queen of the Holy Hill, dearest Ninmah, Most Exalted Lady,

         Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail

         You will be remembered, Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

         Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

         Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

         Body of my Soul, sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear,

         mine is the Voice but for all I sing, Mother of all Life, Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!…”


         “In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

         felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct…”


         NinhursagKi’s anger was so evident that she dismissed Enlil with a wave or her mighty hand….”


         Ninhursag-Aruru-Ki declared then his fate:…”


Namma / Nammu Quotes From Texts

Namma / Nammu = Anu’s main concubine

mother of the gods”, Enki, Ninhursag, Martu, Bau, Nisaba, etc.,, some of her many offspring have their own file


As Namma:

          “Namma (Nammu, Enki’s mother),

the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods,

took the tears of the gods to the one who lay sleeping,

to the one who did not wake up from his bed, to her son:

‘Are you really lying there asleep, and …… not awake?

The gods, your creatures, are smashing their …….

My son, wake up from your bed!

Please apply the skill deriving from your wisdom and

          create a substitute (?) for the gods so that they can be freed from their toil!

          At the word of his mother Namma, Enki rose up from his bed…”


          “And after Enki, the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter,

          he said to his mother Namma:My mother,’…”


          “Namma, the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods,…”


As Nammu:

          “The waters of Mother Nammu, the Source of Life, were defiled by one of her own….”


          “Enki …… brought joy to their heart.

          He set a feast for his mother Namma and for Ninmah (sister Ninhursag)…”


          “It was Enki, lord of Wisdom, Magic and of the Sweet Waters,

          son of An (Anu) the Sky and Nammu the Sea, (& I/2) brother to Enlil,..”.


          “Mother Nammu the Sea who in an act of selfless Self-Love

          engendered the Skyfather (Anu) who the Assembly presides

          and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki…”


Urash Quotes From Texts

Urash / Urac / Ki = Nammu, mother of the great gods,

= sometimes Ninhursag = sometimes Marduk       Anu’s concubine, mother to Enki, Ninhursag, Bau, Nisaba, Martu, etc.


Urac As Nammu:

          “Nudimmud (Enki’s pet name) …… holy dais …….

Lord imbued with fearsomeness, born by An and Urac (Anu’s concubine),

          eldest brother of ……. (Enlil)…”


          “Nudimmud (Enki), the mighty one of the Ekur (Enlil’s temple),

          the strong one of An (Anu) and Uras (mother of Enki, Bau, etc.)…”


          “Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), great wild cow born by Uraš, …

          Nisaba, born by Uraš...”


         “’I am the beautiful woman Nininsina (Bau), daughter of holy An (Anu)!

         My father An the king, shepherd of the gods, sat me in the Land on a holy dais.

         My mother Urac (mother to Enki, Ninhursag, etc.), the lady of the gods,

          had momentous sexual intercourse with An, relaxing in the holy bedchamber;

          my place of engendering by holy An was a holy place.’…”


         “’I am the forceful one of An (Anu) and Urac, I am the great lady of the gods!’… “


Urash As Ninhursag:

         “Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul,

          Sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

          But for me you will forever be Ninhursag, Queen of the Holy Hill,

          dearest Ninmah, Most Exalted Lady, Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail

          You will be remembered, Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

         Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

          Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

          Body of my Soul, sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear,

          mine is the Voice but for all I sing, Mother of all Life, Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!’ …”


         “In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

         felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct…”


          “the son of Uraš who knows thoroughly the true divine powers of     princeship, Ištaran (Ninurta),…”


          “(Martu) engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees,……, born by Uraš (Ninhursag),

          cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, …”


Uras As Marduk:

         “To Uras, the strong, the almighty, the supreme, the firstborn of the gods,

          the lusty warrior, the unique one, whose onset in battle is unrivaled,

         the eldest son, the crusher of opposition, the firstborn of Ea (Enki),

          the powerful warrior of the angels (Igigi in orbit who transport from Earth to Nibiru & back),..

          The great wild bull, youthful Utu,

          who like a torch illuminates the Land from the holy heavens;

          the wise one of all the countries, the fearsome radiance of (?) Urac,

          the just god among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods,

          the long (?), holy dragon, the first-born son (Utu) cherished by (his father) Suen (Nannar / Sin),

          the lord born to command — Utu bestowed the kingship of the Land on Culgi…”


          “I (Ashurnasirpal) took the city of Calah (in hand) anew.

          The old mound I changed.

          I deepened (it) as far as the level of the waters.

          To a depth of 120 tikpi I consolidated (it).

          The temple of Uras my lord upon the middle of it I founded.

          At that time I made an image of the same Uras (Marduk)

          which did not previously exist in the inventiveness of my heart,

          even a colossus of his great divinity, with the best of mountain-stone and fine gold.

          I accounted him my great divinity in the city of Calah.

          His festivals I ordained in the months Sebat and Elul.

        His sanctuary which had not been built I designed.

          The holy of holies of Uras my lord I constructed firmly in the midst of it.

          The temple of Beltis (Inanna), Sin (Nannar), and Gula (Bau),

          the image of Ea (Enki) the king (and) the image of Rimmon (Adad)

          the master of heaven and earth I erected…”


          Uras, the hero, the destroyer of evil men and foes, who discloses all that is in the heart;…”


          “Uras the warrior, the hero of the great gods,

          the king who in reliance upon Assur (Osiris) and Uras (Marduk) the gods…”


          “Uras the warrior-god (and) hero of the great gods,

          the avenger of his fathers,…”


          “Uras and Nergal (brothers) have given their forceful weapons

          and their supreme bow to the hands of my lordship.

          Under the protection of Uras who loves me…”


          “elephants I brought to my city Asur.

          Under the protection of Uras who loves me…”


Ningikuga Quotes From Texts    Ningikuga = Anu & Nammu’s daughter, Ningal’s mother

another lover of Enki’s, goddess of reeds and marshes


         “your own mother Ningikuga.

         Ningal, I shall go with you to your house…”


          “Young Ningal lived out in the marshlands close to the ancient settlement of Eridu,

         the beloved daughter of Ningikuga, the Goddess of Reeds,

         and Enki, the God of Magic, Crafts and Wisdom…”


          “Mother Ningikuga would nod, but not say a word.

          She, the wise Goddess of Reeds, Sovereign of the Marshlands,

          Enki’s dear friend (father to Ningal), and the diligent Weaver

          who had brought to humankind the art of binding reeds

          for the first ruts and temples of the land,

          knew what the maiden’s natural shyness could not, would not yet reveal:

          Ningal had fallen in love with Nanna (Nannar).

          Thus Ningikuga watched over Ningal,…”


          “Ningikuga knew Ningal would soon come to her power.

          Then she would know whom to choose,

          she would announce her choice in a love song.

          Would he be Nanna though?…”


          “Mother Ningikuga’s eyes followed her through the grooming rites.

          Ningikuga did raise an eyebrow and opened her mouth

          to utter a couple of questionsbut did not say a word in the end…”


          “(Ningal addresses Nanna)

          ‘……, my beloved, if only I could come to you without my mother to ……!

          If only I could come to you without Ningikuga (?)’…”


          “If it were not for my mother Ningal,

          he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

          If it were not for Ningikuga,

          he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

          If it were not for Father Suen (Nannar / Sin),

          he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert…”


           Ninmug Quotes From Texts

Ninmug = daughter to Anu

metal / wood worker of the gods


            Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

           and let Ninimma (Enki’s daughter), Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada (Enlil’s son), Ninbarag,

           Ninmug, …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


            (Enki speaking) My noble sister, the holy Ninmug,

         the golden chisel, the silver hammer, the large flint knife,

           her antasurra, has carried off, is now the metal/wood-worker of the land.

           her antasurra, has carried off, is now the metal/wood-worker of the land.

            placing the crown on the head of the one born en, have been put in her hands…”


           (Enki speaking) “That sister of mine, the holy Ninmug,

           Has taken for herself the gold chisel (and) the silver hammer (?),

           Has become the met[alwor]ker (?) of the Land,…”


           “So that everywhere …… and holy places will be established,

           and so that Gibil the pure (i.e. fire) will be available before the E-kur (Enlil’s temple in Nippur),

           Lady Ninmug stands by at your behest….”


Cul-a-zida Quote From Text

Cul-a-zida = Anu’s herdsman

          “Cul-a-zida, An’s herdsman, grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

After he had brought the …… forth from the sky, he overcame the protective deities.

          He …… and kept it below the horizon…”