Bau Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

2b - Gula & her dog1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta

         . Bau = Sumerian / Babylonian Lady who the dead brings back to life

         . Nininsina = Isin “Lady of Isin

            . Ninegal = Ur

         . Gula = Assyrian

         . Gulanu = Assyrian

         . Ugallu = Nippur

         . Ninnibru = Akkadian

         . Nintinugga / Ninunuga = Babylonian

         . Nungal =

         . Artremis = Greek        

         . Diana = Roman

         . daughter to Anu & Urash / Nammu in most texts,

                . in other texts Bau is daughter to Anu & Ereshkigal

         . spouse to Ninurta in all texts, her nephew

         . healer goddess, doctor to gods & the black-headed earthlings

         . warden to the wicked, prison guard

         . Bau is often depicted seated with her guard dog Tuni-iu-sag, her animal symbol

. lady of the E-gal-mah (“Great Palace”)temple residence in Nippur, Enlil’s city

. Uru-azagga = Bau’s temple residence in Lagash

. E-dbau, temple to the goddess Bau in Lagash

. E-ngalga-sud (House which spreads counsel far and wide) temple to Bau (goddess) in Iri-kug

. E-sil-sirsira = Bau’s Ziggurat temple residence in Lagash

           Sons to Bau:

                  . Damu the doctor, healer of gods & men

                  . Ab-Bau, departed Isin with mother Bau escaping nuclear fall-out

                  . Ig-alim by Ninurta (& Bau?)

            Daughters to Bau:

                  . Ninsun, the mother to many mixed-breed kings, alien goddess spouse to Lugalbanda

                  . Zazaru, one of Bau´s septuplets, “the offspring of lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)”

                  . Ickur-pa-ed … ” ” ”

                  . Ur-agrunta-ea …” ” ”

                  . He-girnuna … ” ” ”

                  . He-caga … ” ” ”

                  . Zurju ” ” ”

                  . Zarju … ” ” ”