A tigi of Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-12 Lord of complex divine powers (alien technologies), who establishes understanding,

       whose intentions are unfathomable, who knows everything!

       3i - Enki, god of waters (Enki with son & 2 earthling workers in the Abzu)

       Enki, of broad wisdom, august ruler of the Anuna (Anunnaki), wise one who casts spells, who provides words,

       who attends to decisions, who clarifies verdicts, who dispenses advice from dawn to dusk!

       Enki, lord of all true words, I will praise you.

        (alien Anunnaki King Anu, father to sons who came down to Earth)

       Your father, An (Anu) the king (of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony),

       the lord who caused human seed to come forth and who placed all mankind on the earth,

       has laid upon you the guarding of the divine powers of heaven and earth, and has elevated you to be their prince.

        (Sky-God Anu hovering in his winged sky-disc)

       An, king of the gods, has instructed you to keep open the holy mouths of Tigris and Euphrates,

       to fill them with splendor, to make the dense clouds release plentiful water and make them rain all over the fields,

      (Nisaba, Master Scribe holding a tablet, & Goddess of Grains)

       to make Acnan (Nisaba, Goddess of Grains) lift her head in the furrows, to make vegetation …… in the desert,

       and to make orchards and gardens ripe with syrup and vines grow as tall as forests.

        (Enlil, King Anu‘s 2nd son & heir, prince born of the “double seed”)

         13-20 Enlil, the lord who creates everything, has bestowed on you his august,

       proud and greatly awe-inspiring name: you are the junior Enlil.

       Throughout heaven and earth he alone is divine, and you are his (Enki‘s) younger (1/2) brother.

       He has placed in your hands the power like him to decide destinies of both the south and the uplands.

       A good decision that comes forth from your mouth is exceptionally powerful.

       Sa-bara (a name of Enlil as judge) , you concern yourself with the sustenance of the people who are widely settled

       as far as the borders of the mountains: you are their true father.

       Lord, all together they praise your greatness like the greatness of their protective deities.

         21 Sa-gida.

         22-23 Nudimmud (Enki), let your holy word and august command be a source of honor for Ur-Ninurta (Adad‘s mixed-breed son-king),

       and let him have no rivals.

         24 Jicgijal.

        2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, Anu‘s eldest son, wisest of all alien gods on Earth, born of a concubine, not the “double seed”)

       25-34 August lord, you excel in heaven and earth, and you have made your name shine forth.

       Enki, you have gathered up all the divine powers that there are, and stored them in the abzu.

       You have made praiseworthy the divine powers (alien technologies), exceeding all other divine powers,

       of your holy dwelling which you have chosen in your heart — the abzu, the august shrine …… — as well as its divine plans.

       Its shadow covers all lands from east to west, and its terrifying splendor rests upon the holy heavens like dense thunderclouds.

       3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

       It fills with terror E-kur (Enlil‘s house), the holy dwelling of An and Enlil.

       Therein, equipped with the scepter, you fashion the numerous seeds (?) ……

       for the assigned divine powers of the great gods; to create mankind and to preserve them alive is in your power,

         2g - Enki & Abzu experiments4b - Ninhursag & Enki in the lab

        4g - Ninhursag in her Lab, holding the molded Adapa4i - Enki & baby Adapa, created by Ninhursag

               (Enki & sister Ninhursag use Anunnaki DNA to develop earthling workers, replacements for the gods) 

       father Enki, when you take your seat on the dais where you decide destinies.

         35 Sa-jara.

       36-47 May Ur-Ninurta, the king in whom Enlil trusts, open up your house of wisdom

      in which you have gathered knowledge in plenty, and then be the great ruler of the black-headed (earthlings).

       Make terrifying splendor befitting his godhead issue from him,

       the lion of kingship, in everything that he does, for as long as he lives.

       May you present him with weighty tribute from the upper and the lower seas, and let Ur-Ninurta bring it into the glorious E-kur.

       May Enlil look upon him joyously, and add to his period of rule blissful days and years of joy and life.

       3b - Enki image (Enki, born of King Anu & his concubine, not eligible to become king under Anunnaki law)

       Father Enki, inspiring terrible awe, surpassing description, may the Anuna (Anunnaki), your divine brothers, rejoice over you.

     "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad (Enki / Ptah / Poseidon, powerful alien god known throughout time)

       Son of An, possessor of august honour, it is sweet to praise you!

          48 A tigi of Enki.