Ninurta Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


Zu stole the Tablets of Destinies, and therefore the Enlilship, from Enlil while he was taking a daily swim.

          “At the entrance of the sanctuary, which he had been viewing,

         Zu awaits the start of the day.

         As Enlil was washing with pure water–

         his crown having been removed and deposited on the throne–

         Zu seized the Tablets of Destinies in his hands, took away the Enlilship.

         Suspended were the Divine Formulas;

         Stillness spread all over; silence prevailed….

         The Sanctuary’s brilliance was taken off.

         Enlil was speechless…”

Ninurta’s mother Ninhursag, went ballistic. She would not stand forher son’s rights as Enlil’s heir to be stolen by Anzu:

         “Launch thy offensive…capture the fugitive Zu….

         Let thy terrifying offensive rage against him….

         Slit his throat! Vanquish Zu!

         Let thy seven ill Winds go against him….

         Cause the entire Whirlwind to attack him….

         Let thy Radiance go against him….

         Let thy Winds carry his Wings to a secret place….

         Let sovereignty return to Ekur;

         Let the Divine Formulas (alien technologies) return to the father who begot thee…”

With Ea / Enki’s help, Ninurta was able to shoot Anzu wings and bring him down, returning the Enlilship back to Enlil.

To make Tilmun (Sinai peninsula) her dominion was an idea that no one opposed. So now that she was given her own domain, she decided to go there. Proudly she stated:

         “A Mistress I am now!

         Alone will I stay there, reigning forever!…”

Ninurta applied his experience in damning and channeling waters to make his mother’s new mountain region livable. Tablet IX of the “Feats and Exploits of Ninurta,as he addresses his mother:

         “Since you, noble lady, alone to the Land of Landing had gone,

         Since to the Land of Casting Down unafraid you went–

         A dam I shall heap up for you, so that the Land may have a mistress…”

Ninurta assured his mother that she would have an abundance of vegetation, wood products, and minerals in her mountain abode:

        “Its valleys shall be verdant with vegetation,

         Its slopes shall produce honey and wine for you,

         Shall produce…zabalum-trees and boxwood;

         its terraces shall be adorned with fruit as a garden;

         The Harsag shall provide you with the fragrance of the gods,

         shall provide you with the shiny lodes;

         Its mines will as tribute copper and tin give you;

         Its mountains shall multiply you cattle large and small;

         The Harsag shall bring forth the four-legged creatures…”

Making a home for his mother in the Sinai’s southern region of high granite peaks, Ninurta bestowed on her a new title: NIN.HAR.SAG (“Lady of the Head Mountain”);it was her title

On one side was Nergal, Ninurta, Adad, and soon joined by Nannar / Sin, and then later on by Inanna / Ishtar.

On the opposing side are listed Nabu, a god referred as “Mighty, lofty One”-Ra / Marduk—and the“God of two Great Houses” (the two Great Pyramids of Giza), who had tried to escape camouflaged in a ram’s skin (Horus).

the…most direct chronicle of the Great Pyramid War is the epic text Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi,

         “King, the glory of thy day is lordly;

         Ninurta, Foremost, possessor of the Divine Powers,

         who into the throes of the Mountainlands stepped forth.

         Like a flood which cannot be stopped,

         the Enemyland as with a girdle you tightly bound.

         Foremost one, one who in battle vehemently enters;

         Hero, who in his hand the Divine Brilliant Weapon carries;

         Lord: the Mountainland you subdued as your creature.

         Ninurta, royal son, whose father to him had given might;

         Hero: in fear of thee the city has surrendered…

         O mighty one–the Great Serpent, the heroic god,

         you tore away from all the mountains…”

It was in this “crafted ship”-a manufactured vehicle–

         “that which in war destroys the princely abodes,…”

that Ninurta soared into the skies during the battles of the Second Pyramid War.

         “in his Winged Bird, against the walled abode …”

he swooped down.

         “As his Bird neared the ground,the summit

         (of the enemy’s stronghold ) he smashed…”

Chased out of their strongholds, the Enemy began to retreat…Adad roamed the countryside behind enemy lines, destroying the adversary’s food supplies:

         “In the Abzu, Adadthe fish caused to be washed away…the cattle he dispersed…”

As the battle extends in time and scope, the two leading gods called on the others to join them.

         “My lord, to the battle which is becoming extensive, why don’t you go?…”

They asked a god whose name is missing…The question was clearly also asked of Ishtar:

         “In the clash of weapons, in the feats of heroship,

         Ishtar (Inanna) her arm did not hold back…”

As the two gods saw her, they shouted:

         “Advance hither without stopping!

         Put your foot down firmly on the Earth!

         In the mountains, we await thee!…”


         “The weapon which is lordly brilliant the goddess brought forth…

         a horn (to direct it) she made for it…”


         “the skies were like red-hued wool in color…”

The explosive beam

         “tore apart (the enemy), made him with his hand clutch his heart…”


         “Fear of Ninurta’s Brilliance encompassed the land…”

Ninurta rained on the city poison-bearing missiles, which

         “he catapulted into it the poison, by itself, destroyed he city…”


         “with the Weapons That Smites threw fire upon the mountains;

         the godly Weapon of the Gods, whose Tooth is bitter, smote down the people…”

some kind of chemical warfare is indicated:

         “The Weapon Which Tears Apart robbed the senses;

         The Tooth skinned them off.

         Tearing-apart he stretched upon the land;

         The canals he filled with blood,

         in the Enemyland for dogs like milk to lick…”

Overwhelmed by the merciless onslaught, Azag / Marduk called on his followers to show no resistance:

         “The arisen Enemy to his wife and child called;

         against the lord Ninurta he raised not his arms.

         The weapons of Kur with soil were covered (hidden away);

         Azag them did not raise...”

Ninurta took the lack of resistance as a sign of victory…after Ninurta killed the opponents occupying the land of the Harsag (Sinai) and went on “like a Bird” to attack the gods who“behind their walls retreated”in Kur, he defeated them in the mountains. He then burst out in a song of victory:

        “My fearsome Brilliance like Anu’s is mighty;

         Against it, who can rise? I am lord of the high mountains,

         of the mountains which to the horizon raise their peaks.

         In the mountains I am the master…”

Byhis nonresistance tactics, Azag had escaped defeat.

         “The scorpion of Kur Ninurta did not annihilate…”

Instead the Enemy gods retreated into the Great Pyramid, where “the Wise Craftsmen”Enki? Thoth?–raised up a protective wall

         “which the Brilliance could not match…”

With the pyramid’s defenses thus enhanced, Ninurta resorted to another tactic. He called upon Utu / Shamash to cut off the pyramid’s water supply…Huddled in their last stronghold, cut off from food and water, the besieged gods did their best…

But now one of the younger gods—Horus, we believe—trying to sneak out of the Great Pyramid disguised as a ram, was struck by Ninurta’s Brilliant Weapon and lost sight of his eye. An Olden god then cried out to save the young god’s life:

         “At that time the Killing Brightness came;

         The House’s platform withstood the lord.

         Unto Ninhursag there was an outcry:

         ‘…the weapon…my offspring with death is accursed’…”

Other Sumerian texts call this young god

         “offspring who did not know his father…”

It was then, responding to the “outcry” that Ninhursag decided to intervene to stop the fighting….In telltale verses she announced her decision to cross the battle lines and bring an end to the hostilities:

         “To the House Where Cord-Measuring begins,

         Where Asar (Ashur), his eyes to Anu raised,

         I shall go.

         The cord I will cut off, for the sake of the warring gods…”

Ninurta was at first astounded by her decision to

         “enter alone the Enemyland…”

He provided her with

         “clothes which should make her unafraid…”

of the radiation left by the beams) As she neared the pyramid she addressed Enki:

         “She shouts to him…she beseeches him…”

Enki agreed to surrender the pyramid to her:

         “The House that is like a heap,

         that which I have as a pile raised up–its mistress you may be…”

The surrender was subject to a final resolution of the conflict until

         “the destiny-determining time…”

shall come…

Ninhursag took the surrender offer of Enki’s to Enlil. She met him in the presence of Adad (while Ninurta remained on the battlefield). “O hear my prayers!”she begged the two gods…

         “Presenting himself there, to the Mother,

         Adad thus said:

         ‘We are expecting victory.

         The enemy forces are beaten.

         The trembling of the land he could not withstand’…”

Adad said, let her call discussions on the basis that the Enlilites are about to win:

         “Get up and go—talk to the enemy.

         Let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn…”

Enlil, in less forceful language, supported the suggestion:

         “Enlil opened his mouth;

          In the assembly of the gods he said:

         ‘Whereas Anu at the mountain the gods assembled,

         warfare to discourage, peace to bring,

         and has dispatched the Mother of the Gods to entreat with me–

         Let the Mother of the Gods be an emissary’…”

Turning to his sister, he said in a conciliatory vein:

         “Go, appease my brother!

         Raise unto him a hand for Life;

         From his barred doorway, let him come out!…”

Doing as suggested, Ninhursag

         “his brother went to fetch, put her prayers before the god…”

She assured him that his safety, and that of his sons, was assured:

         “by the stars she gave a sign…”

As Enki hesitated she said to him tenderly:

         “Come, let me lead you out…”

        “And as he did, he gave her his hand…”

She conducted him and other defenders of the Great Pyramid to the Harsag, her abode. Ninurta and his warriors watched…

…verses in the Babylonian text…have a direct parallel in the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah:

        “But when the son of Marduk in the land of the coast was,

         He-of-the-Evil-Wind (Erra) with heat the plain-land burnt…”


         “He (Nabu) the great sea entered,

         Sat upon a throne which was not his

         (Because) Ezida, the legitimate abode, was overrun…”

Enki stood by his firstborn son:

        “Now that Prince Marduk has arisen,

         now that the people for the second time have raised his image,

         why does Erra (Nergal) continue his opposition?…”

Finally, loosing his patience, Enki shouted at Nergal to get out of his presence. Leaving in a huff, Nergal returned to his domain. “Consulting with himself,” he decided to unleash the awesome weapons:

         “The lands I will destroy, to a deep dust-heap make them;

         the cities I will upheaval, to desolation turn them;

         the mountains I will flatten, their animals make disappear;

         the seas I will agitate, that which teems in them I will decimate;

         the people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapor;

         none shall be spared….”

We learn from a text…that it was Gibil, whose domain in Africa adjoined that of Nergal, who alerted Marduk to the destructive scheme hatched by Nergal…It was then that Gibil “these words to Marduk did speak” in regard to the

         “seven awesome weapons which Anu created..

         The wickedness of those seven against thee is being laid,…”

he informed Marduk.

Marduk inquired of Gibil where the awesome weapons were kept. “O Gibil,,” he said, “those seven—where were they born, where were they created?” To which Gibil revealed that they were hidden underground:

         “Those seven, in the mountain they abide, in a cavity inside the earth they dwell.

         From this place with a brilliance they will rush forth,

         From Earth to Heaven, clad with terror…”

But where exactly is this place? Marduk asked again and again; and all Gibil could say was that “even the wise gods, to them it is unknown…”

Now Marduk rushed to his father Enki with the frightening report.

         “To his father Enki’s house he (Marduk) entered…”

Enki was lying on the couch in the chamber to which he retired for the night. “My father” Marduk said,

         Gibil this word hath spoken to me:

         of the coming of the seven (weapons) he has found out…”

Telling his father the bad news, he urged his all-knowing father:

         “Their place to search out, do hasten thou!…”

Enki spoke out strongly against the idea, urging steps to stop Nergal, for the use of the weapons, he pointed out,

         “the lands will make desolate, the people will make perish…”

Nannar and Utu wavered as Enki spoke, but Enlil and Ninurta were for decisive action. And so with the Council of the Gods was in disarray, the decision was left to Anu.

Nergal had already ordered the priming of “the seven awesome weapons” with their “poisons.”,

         “Anu, lord of the gods, on the land had pity…”

It was then that Ninurta, attempting to dissuade Nergal from indiscriminate annihilation, used words identical to those attributed in the Bible to Abraham when he tried to have Sodom spared:

         “Valiant Era (Nergal),

         Will you the righteous destroy with the unrighteous?

         Will you destroy those who have against you sinned

         together with those who against you have not sinned?…”

The two gods argued back and forth on the extent of the destruction. More than Ninurta, Nergal was consumed by personal hatred:..he shouted

         “I shall annihilate the son (Nabu), and let the father (Marduk) bury him;

         then I shall kill the father, let no one bury him…”

Ninurta finally swayed Nergal.

         “He heard the words spoken by Ishum (Ninurta);

          the words appealed to him as fine oil…”

Agreeing to leave alone the seas, to leave Mesopotamia out of the attack, he formulated a modified plan: the destruction will be destroy the cities where Nabu might be hiding…to deny Marduk the greatest prize, “the place from where the Great Ones ascend…”, the Spaceport–

         “From city to city an emissary I will send;

         The son, seed of his father, shall not escape;

         His mother shall cease her laughter…

         To the place of the gods, access he shall not have:

         The place from where the Great Ones ascend I shall upheaval…”

Wasting no more time, Nergal then urged Ninurta that the two of them go at once into action:

         “Then did the hero Erra go ahead of Ishum, remembering his words;

         Ishum too went forth, in accordance with the word given,

         a squeezing in his heart...”

Their first target was the Spaceport, its command complex hidden in the “Mount Most Supreme,” its landing fields spread in the adjoining great plain:

         “Ishum to Mount Most Supreme set his course;

         The Awesome Seven, (weapons) without parallel, trailed behind him.

         At the Mount Most Supreme the hero arrived;

         He raised his hand–the mount was smashed;

         The plain by the Mount Most Supreme he then obliterated;

         in its forests not a tree-stem was left standing…”

So with one nuclear blow the Spaceport was obliterated…Now it was the turn of Nergal…Guiding himself through the Sinai peninsula to the Canaanite cities by following the King’s Highway, Erra upheavaled them.

The words employed by the Erra Epic” are almost identical to those used in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah:

         “Then, emulating Ishum, Erra the King’s Highway followed.

         The cities he finished off, to desolation he overturned them.

         In the mountains he caused starvation, their animals he made perish…”

The verses that follow may well describe the creation of the new southern portion of the Dead Sea…:

         “He dug through the sea, its wholeness he divided.

         That which lives in it, even the crocodiles he made wither.

         As with fire he scorched the animals, banned its grains to become as dust…”

We find descriptions and recollections of the nuclear upheaval in other texts as well:

         “Lord, bearer of the Scorcher that burnt up the adversary;

         Who obliterated the disobedient land;

         Who withered the life of the Evil Word’s followers;

         Who raised stones and fire upon the adversaries…”

In a Babylonian text in which one king recalls the momentous events that had taken place “in the reign of an earlier king.”

         “At that time, in the reign of a previous king, conditions changed.

         Good departed, suffering was regular.

         The Lord (of the gods) became enraged, he conceived wrath.

         He gave the command: the gods of that place abandoned it…

         The two, incited to commit the evil, made its guardians stand aside;

         its protectors went up to the dome of heaven…”

The “Khedorlaomer Text”, which identifies the two gods by their epithets as Nergal and Ninurta, tells it this way:

         “Enlil,who sat alone in loftiness, was consumed with anger.”

The devastators again suggested evil;

         “He who scorches with fire (Ishum / Ninurta)

         and he of the evil wind (Erra / Nergal) together performed their evil.

         The two made the gods flee, made them flee the scorching…”

The target, from which they made the gods guarding it flee, was the Place of the Launching:

         “That which was raised towards Anu to launch they caused to wither;

          Its face they made fade away, its place they made desolate…”

Thus was the Spaceport, the prize of which so many Wars of the Gods had been fought, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the earth; and the plain whose hard soil the shuttle craft had used as runways was obliterated, and not even a tree left standing.

But the deed done by Nergal and Ninurta had not gone unrecorded, for it turned out to have a most profound effect on Sumer, its people, and its very existenceThe nuclear explosion gave rise to an immense wind, a radioactive wind, which began as a whirlwind:

         “A storm, the Evil Wind, went around in the skies…”

The desolation caused by the catastrophe is then described vividly, by such verses as these:

         “Causing cities to be desolate, (causing) houses to become desolate;

         Causing stalls to be desolate, the sheepfolds to be emptied;

         That Sumer’s oxen no longer stand in their stalls,

         that its sheep no longer roam in its sheepfolds;

         That its rivers flow with water that is bitter,

         that its cultivated fields grow weeds, that its steeps grow withering plants…”

In the cities and the hamlets,

         “the mother cares not for her children, the father says not ‘O my wife’…

         the young child grows not sturdy on their knee,

         the nursemaid chants not a lullaby…

         kingship has been taken away from the land…”


         “On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity, one unknown to man:

         One that had never been seen before, one which could not be withstood…”

It was an unseen death,

         “which roams the street, is let loose in the road;

         it stands beside a man–yet none can see it;

         when it enters a house, its appearance is unknown…”

There was no defense against this

         “evil which has assailed the land like a ghost:…

         The highest wall, the thickest walls, it passes as a flood,

         no door can shut it out, no bolt can turn it back;

         through the door like a snake it glides,

         through the hinge like a wind it blows in.

         Cough and phlegm weakened the chest,

         the mouth was filled with spittle and foam…

         dumbness and daze have come upon them,

         an unwholesome numbness…

         an evil curse, a headache…their spirit abandoned their bodies…”

it was a most gruesome death:

         “The people, terrified, could hardly breathe;

         the Evil Wind clutched them, does not grant them another day…

         Mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood…

         The face was made pale by the Evil Wind…”


         “Covered the land as a cloak, spread over it like a sheet…”

Brownish in color, during the daytime

         “the sun in the horizon it obliterated with darkness…”

         “(Girt with dread brilliance it filleth the broad earth…)”

it blocked out the moon:

         “the moon at its rising it extinguished…”

Moving from west to east, the deadly cloud–

         “enveloped in terror, casting fear everywhere

         a great wind which speeds high above,

         an evil wind which overwhelms the land…”

It was

         “a great storm directed from Anuit hath come from the heart of Enlil.

         In a single spawning it was spawned…like the bitter venom of the gods;

         in the west it was spawned.

         Bearing gloom from city to city,

         carrying dense clouds that bring gloom from the sky…”

was the result of a

         “lightning flash, from the midst of the mountains it had descended upon the land,

         From the Plain of No Pity it hath come…”

Though the people were baffled, the gods knew the cause of the Evil Wind:

         “An evil blast heralded the baleful storm,

         An evil blast the forerunner of the baleful storm was;

         Mighty offspring, valiant sons were the heralds of the pestilence…”

As soon as the “awesome weapons” were launched from the skies, there was an immense brilliance

         “they spread awesome rays towards the four points of the earth,

         scorching everything like fire…”

        “The storm, in a flash of lightning created, a dense cloud that brings gloom…”

followed by

         “rushing wind gusts…a tempest that furiously scorches the heavens…”

Several texts attest that the Evil Wind, bearing the cloud of death, was caused by gigantic explosions on a day to remember:

         “On that day

         When heaven was crushed and the Earth was smitten,

         its face obliterated by the maelstrom–

         When the skies were darkened and covered as with a shadow…”

Over Sumer, its passage lasting twenty-four hours—a day and a night…as in this…from Nippur:

         “On that day,, on that single day; on that night, on that single night…

         the storm, in a flash of lightning created, the people of Nippur left prostrate…”

The Uruk lament

         “The great gods paled at its immensity, gigantic rays reach up to heaven

         (and) the earth tremble to its core…”

As the Evil Wind began to “spread to the mountains as a net,” the gods of Sumer began to flee their beloved cities…Thus

         “Ninhursag wept in bitter tears…”

as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried,

         “O my devastated city…”

         “her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune…”

Inanna hurriedly departed from Uruk, sailing off toward Africa in a “submersible ship” and complaining that she had to leave behind her jewelry and other possessions…Inanna / Ishtar bewailed the desolation of her city and her temple by the Evil Wind

         “which in an instant, in a blink of an eye

         was created against the midst of the mountains,…”

and against which there was no defense…As the

         “loyal citizens of Uruk were seized with terror…”


         “’Rise up! Hide in the steppe!’

         the deities ran off…they took unfamiliar paths…”


         “Thus all the gods evacuated Uruk;

         They kept away from it;

         They hid in the mountains,

         They escaped to the distant plains…”

In Uruk…

         “Mob panic was brought about in Uruk….its good sense was distorted…”

…as the people asked questions:

         “Why did the gods benevolent eye look away?

         Who caused such worry and lamentation?…”

When the Evil Storm passed over,

         “the people were piled up in heaps…a hush settled over Uruk like a cloak…”

Ninki, we learn fromThe Eridu Lament”, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:

         “Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city…”

But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate:

         “Its lord stayed outside the city…

         Father Enki stayed outside the city…

         for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears…”

They watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu. After the

         “evil-bearing storm went out of the city, sweeping across the countryside,…”

Enki surveyed Eridu; he found the city

         “smothered with silence…its residents stacked up in heaps…”

Those who were saved addressed to him a lament:

        “O Enki, thy city has been cursed, made like an alien territory!…”

…and Enki

         “stayed out of his city as though it were an alien city.

         Forsaking the House of Eridu,…”

Enki then led

         “those who have been displaced from Eridu…”

to the desert, “towards an inimical land”; there he used his scientific powers to make the “foul tree” edible.

From Babylon, a worried Marduk sent his father, Enki, an urgent message as the cloud of death neared his city:

         “What am I to do?…”

he asked Enki’s advice…and in line with the advice given by the two emissaries to Lot, the people fleeing Babylon were warned

         “neither to run nor to look back…”

They were also told not to take with them any food or beverage, for these might have been “touched by the ghost.”

         “Get thee into a chamber below the earth, into a darkness,…”

until the Evil Wind was gone…In Lagash,

         “mother Bau wept bitterly for her holy temple, for her city…”

Though Ninurta was gone, his spouse could not force herself to leave. Lingering behind, “O my city, O my city,” she kept crying; the delay almost cost her her life:

         “On that day, the lady–the storm caught up with her;

         Bau, as if she were mortal–the storm caught up with her…”

In Ur we learn from the lamentations (one of which was composed by Ningal herself) that Nannar and Ningal refused to believe that the end of Ur was irrevocable. Nannar addressed a long and emotional appeal to his father…

         “Ur was granted kingship–it was not granted an eternal reign.

         Since days of yore, when Sumer was founded,

         to the present, when people have multiplied–

         Who has ever seen a kingship of everlasting reign?…”

While the appeals were made, Ningal recalled in her long poem,

         “the storm was ever breaking forward, its howling overpowering all.

         Although of the day I still tremble, of that day’s foul smell we did not flee…”

As night came, “a bitter lament was raised” in Ur, yet the god and goddess stayed on…and Ningal realized that Nannar

         “had been overtaken by the evil storm…”

…Only next day, when

         “the storm was carried off from the city

         Ningal, in order to go from her city…hastily put on a garment,…”

and together with the stricken Nannar departed from the city they so loved. As they were leaving they saw death and desolation:

         “the people, like potsherds, filled the city’s streets;

         in its lofty gates, where they were wont to promenade,

         dead bodies were laying about;

         in its boulevards, where the feasts were celebrated,

         scattered they lay; in all of its streets,

         where they were wont to promenade, dead bodies were laying about;

         in its places where the land’s festivities took place, the people lay in heaps.

         The dead bodies, like fat placed in the sun, of themselves melted away…”

Then did Ningal raise her lamentation for Ur…

        “O house of Sinin Ur, bitter is thy desolation…

         O Ningal whose land has perished, make thy heart like water!

         The city has become a strange city, how can one now exist?

         The house has become a house of tears, it makes my heart like water…

         Ur and its temples have been given over to the wind…”


         “On the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, only sickly plants grew…

         In the swamps grow sickly-headed reeds that rot in the stench…

         In the orchards and gardens there is no new growth, quickly they waste away…

         The cultivated fields are not hied, no seeds are planted in the soil,

         no songs resound in the fields…”

In the countryside the animals were also affected:

         “On the steppe, cattle large and small became scarce,

         all living creatures came to an end.

         The sheepfolds have been delivered to the wind…

         The hum of the turning churn resounds not in the sheepfold…

         The stalls provide not fat and cheese…

         Ninurta has emptied Sumer of milk…”


         “The storm crushed the land, wiped out everything;

         it roared like a great wind over the land, none could escape it;

         desolating the cities, desolating the houses…

         No one treads the highways, no one seeks out the roads…”

The desolation of Sumer was complete.

The Year of Doom (nuclear holocaust)–2024 B.C.–was the sixth year of reign of Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur…