A Tigi to Ninurta for Shulgi (Shulgi T): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

            4h - Ninurta holding a mace, Ninhursag, & fighting Inanna

             (Ninurta, his mother Ninhursag, & Inanna, with high-tech alien weaponry)

1-16 Lord, perfect warrior, beloved by ……. Ninurta, mec tree with a broad shining canopy, …….

Weapon striding into battle, …… foreign countries.

A dragon with a terrifying face, venomous snake who …… its venom against the rebel lands.

4g - Ninurta visits Enki in Eridu  (Ninurta climbs the Eridu ziggurat to visit uncle Enki at home)

…… overpowering ……, foremost lion ……. Ninurta, who …… with the great prince Enki.

My king, in your city, shrine Nibru (Nippur), ……. E-cumeca, where …… for you.

Lord, the kingship is perfect with you …….

3n - Nippur excavations (Nibru / Nippur excavations, Enlil‘s E-kur residence in background)

Adviser, the dragon of the Land, ……. Ninurta, the great wall of Nibru, …….

My king, whose divine powers (alien technologies) cannot be scattered, warrior …….

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon (Ninurta rides his winged lion-headed beast, his storm bird sky-disc)

Forceful lion, …….

King with the broad wisdom of heaven (Nibiru) and earth, …….

Exalted scepter rising above the Land,

7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

             (mixed-breed high-priest upon Nannar‘s Ur temple, Nannar, Martu with earthling underfoot, & Ninurta)

……. Ninurta, who …… the enemy, …….

17 Sa-gida.

18-27 Warrior, fearsome lord, powerful, overpowering …….

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s storm bird sky-disc)

Ninurta, terrible storm, powerful fire, (loaded with alien high-tech weaponry)…….

Frightening storm, raging against the rebellious lands, …… lion.

Dragon spreading terror, lord without rival …….

King with broad wisdom, neck-stock of gods.

…… given strength …….

           (Shulgi, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar, patron god of Ur)

3h - Shulgi honored as High-Priest of uncle Nannar (Nannar, his mixed-breed King Shulgi, & Shulgi‘s goddess mother Ninsun)

…… trustworthy ……, Culgi (Shulgi, high-priest, then king of Ur under Nannar) ……

1 line fragmentary

You have chosen …… among your own …… in your heart.

……, Ninurta, be praised.

28 Sa-jara.

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son (Shulgi, Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son appointed to kingship in Ur, bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived longer than earthlings, Biblical “mighty men”, “heroes of old, men of renown”, the giant mixed-breed kings that 1st ruled over earthlings, on behalf of the gods who fashioned them into their “image & likeness”)

29 ……, bestow a long life and prosperous years on Culgi!

30 Its jicgijal.

31 A tigi (?) of Ninurta.