Utu Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



          2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar


          . Utu = Sumer

          . Shamash = Akkadian Sun God

          . Ningublaga = Assyrian

          . Numucda = Larsa

          . Babbar = Assyrian

          . Ba’al = Canaanite

          . Athtar = Canaanite

          . Allah = Babylonian

          . Shimiki = Hurrian, northern neighbors to Akkad and Sumer 

          . Helios = Greek

          . Sol Ivictus = Roman

. son and heir to Nannar / Sin & Ningal

. twin brother to Inanna

. spouse to Aya / Aia / Namrat, daughter to Ninsun

. born on Earth Colony before modern man was on the Earth


             . E-babbar “Shining house” temple to Utu in Sippar,

                    together with E-kun-ankuga [‘pure stairway to heaven‘], its ziggurat

             . E-gud-du-shar (House with numerous perfect oxen) temple of Ningublaga in Ki-abrig

             . E-nun-ana (House of the prince of heaven) temple to Utu in Sippar

            . Kun-satu (Threshold of the mountain) house of Numušda in Kazallu


. Sippar spaceport was Utu’s domain and the 4th city built on Earth

. Sippar was the land of missile launches

. Sippar was also the place of the supreme court


. Sun God of Mesopotamia, symbolized as the Sun

          . Sunday named after the Sun God Utu


. after Nannar / Sin / El’s retirement, Utu assumed his father’s symbol as the Moon Crescent God

. associated with laws and justice “in accordance with the true word of Utu”.


          . “the standard of Utu, the Bison head,…”

          . the Bison is Utu’s animal symbol

          . Utu’s zodiac symbol is Gemini, the twins Utu & Inanna


Utu’s Sons:

         . Nindara, Nanshe‘s spouse

         . Hendersaga, accountant to Nindara & Nanshe, god of law

         . Sisig “(a god of dreams), the son of Utu

         . Buenne, probable son to Utu & spouse Aia



Utu’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son:

          . Meskiaggasher: giant semi-divine mxed-breed son to Utu, 1st king in semi-divine dynasty in Uruk


Utu’s Daughters:

          . Adjar-kidug, daughter to Aya & spouse to Martu

                         (Greek Goddess Circe)


          . Niniagar, a daughter of Utu? or spouse of Utu?, stewardess of the storehouses