Marduk Quotes From Texts

Marduk = Enki & Damkina‘s eldest son & heir


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Marduk Speaking in the 1st Person:

        “[The lord of Babylon] heeded Nebuchadnezzar [‘s prayer], [ ] befell him from heaven,

        ‘I command you with my own lips,

        ‘[A word of] good fortune do I send you:

        ‘[With] my [help?] you will attack the Westland.

        ‘Heed your instructions, [ ] (…)

        ‘I, [lord of Bab]ylon, will surely give you Elam,

        ‘[I will exalt] your [kingshp] everywhere.'”


As Marduk:

         “MARDUK was created in the heart of the holy apsu.

         Ea (Enki) begot him and Damkina (Alalu‘s daughter, Enki‘s spouse) bore him, father and mother; …”


         “In the heart of Apsu was Marduk created,

In the heart of holy Apsu was Marduk created.

He who begot him was Ea (Enki), his father;

         She who conceived him was Damkina (Enki‘s spouse), his mother. …”


Anu, Enlil, and Ea each presented him with gifts.

[ ] Damkina his mother exclaimed with joy at him;

She made him beam [inside (?)] his fine (?) house.

He (Marduk) appointed Usmu (Isumud), who had brought his greetings present as good news,

          To be vizier of the Apsu, to take care of shrines …”


          Erra / Nergal speaking:

          “’Like the sun, I scan the circumference of the world,

          ‘I am the wild ram striding forth in the steppe,

          ‘I invade the range and take up my dwelling in the fold,

          ‘All the gods are afraid of a fight, so the black-headed folk are contemptuous!

          ‘As for me, since they did not fear my name, and I have disregarded Marduk´s command,

          so he may act according to his wishes I will make Marduk angry,

          stir him from his dwelling, and lay waste the people!’

          The warrior Erra set out for Babylon, city of the king of the gods.

          He entered Esagila, (Marduk’s temple / residence) palace of heaven and earth and stood before him.

          He made ready to speak, saying to the king of the gods:

          Why has your precious image, symbol of your lordship, lost its brilliance?

          ‘Your lordly diadem, which made the inner sanctum shine like the outside tower, why is it dimmed?

          The king of the gods made ready to speak, saying to Erra, these words,

          ‘O warrior Erra, concerning that deed you said you would do,

          ‘Once, long ago indeed I grew angry, indeed I left my dwelling and caused the deluge!

          ‘When I left my dwelling, the regulation of heaven and earth disintegrated:

          ‘The shaking of heaven meant: the positions of the heavenly bodies changed, nor did I restore them,

          ‘The quaking of netherworld meant: the yield of the furrow diminished, being thereafter difficult to exploit.

          ‘The regulations of heaven and earth disintegrating meant: underground water diminished, high water receded.

          When I looked again, it was struggle to get enough.

          ‘Productivity of living offspring declined, nor did I renew it,

          ‘Such that were I a plowman, I could hold all seed in my hand.

          ‘I built another house and settled therein

          ‘As to my precious image, which had been struck by the deluge that its appearance was sullied,

          ‘I commanded fire to make my features shine and cleanse my apparel.

          ‘When it had shined my precious image and completed the task, ‘I donned my lordly diadem and returned.

          ‘Haughty were my features, terrifying my glare!

          ‘The survivors of the deluge saw what was done,

          ‘Shall I raise my weapon and destroy the rest?

          ‘I sent those craftsmen down to the depths, I ordered them not to come up,

          ‘I removed the wood and gemstone and showed no one where,

          ‘Now then, warrior Erra, as concerns that deed you said you would do,

          ‘Where is the wood, flesh of the gods, suitable for the lord of the universe,

          ‘The sacred tree, splendid stripling, perfect for lordship,

          ‘Whose roots thrust down an hundred leagues through the waters of the vast ocean to the depths of hell,

          ‘Whose crown brushed Anu´s heaven on high?

          ‘Where is the clear gemstone that I reserved for [ ]?

          ‘Where is Ninildum (unidentified), great carpenter of my supreme divinity,

          ‘Wielder of the glittering hatchet, who knows that tool,

          ‘Who makes it shine like the day and puts it in subjection at my feet?

          ‘Where is Kunig-banda (unidentified), fashioner of god and man, whose hands are sacred?

          ‘Where is Ninagal, wielder of the upper and lower millstone

          ‘Who grinds up hard copper like hide and who forges tools?

          ‘Where are the choice stones, created by the vast sea, to ornament my diadem?

          ‘Where are the seven sages of the depths, those sacred fish,

          who, like Ea (Enki) their lord, are perfect in sublime wisdom, the ones who cleansed my person?

          The warrior Erra heard him….. [ ]

          He made ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk, ‘[ craftsmen ], ‘[ tree ],

          ‘Clear gemstone [from] its place will I bring up.’

          When Marduk heard this, he made ready to speak, saying to the warrior Erra:

          ‘(When) I rise from my dwelling, the regulation of heaven and earth will disintegrate,

          ‘The waters will rise and sweep over the land,

          ‘Bright day will turn to darkness, whirlwind will rise and the stars of heaven will be…

          ‘Ill winds will blow and the eyesight of living creatures will be darkened,

          ‘Demons will raise up and seize [ ],

          ‘They will …. the unarmed one who confronts them!

          ‘The gods of hell will rise up and smite down living creatures,

          ‘Who will keep them at bay till I gird on my weaponry once more?

          When Erra heard this, he made himself ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk:

          ‘O noble Marduk, while you enter the house, fire cleanses your apparel and you return to your palace,

          ‘For that time I will govern and keep strong the regulation of heaven and earth,

          ‘I will go up to heaven and issue instructions to the Igigi (Anunnaki for space transport of goods) gods,

          ‘I will go down to the depths and keep the Anunna gods in order.

          ‘I will dispatch the wild demons to the netherworld,

          ‘I will brandish my fierce weaponry against them,

          ‘I will truss the wings of the ill wind like a bird’s.

          ‘At that house you shall enter, O noble Marduk,

          ‘I will station Anu and Enlil to the right and left, like bulls.’

          Noble Marduk heard him, the words which Erra spoke pleased him. …”


         “Did noble Marduk give up, not at the appointed time?

He plotted to lay waste the lands and destroy their people!”


Ea the king considered and said these words,

‘Even now that noble Marduk has arisen from his dwelling, he did not command those craftsmen to come up.

‘How can images of them, which I made among mankind,

‘Approach his sublime divinity, where no god has access?

‘He himself gave those same human craftsmen great discretion and authority,

‘He gave them wisdom and perfect dexterity,

         ‘They have made his precious image radiant, even finer than before’, …”


         “Because they were angry with each other, and noble Marduk [ ] put [ ],

         ‘The star of Erra is shining bright and its radiant…. of warfare.

         ‘His awe-inspiring brilliance will….. and all people will perish.”


Marduk as Planet Nibiru Renamed by Marduk:

         “Ea (Neptune / Enki), his triumph over his enemies secured,

In his sacred chamber in profound sleep he rested.

He named it “Apsu” (Sun), for shrines he assigned (it).

In that same place his cult hut he founded.

Ea (Enki / Neptune) and Damkina, his wife, dwelled (there) in splendor.

In the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies,

A god was engendered, most potent and wisest of gods.

In the heart of Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created,

In the heart of holy Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created.

He who begot him was Ea (Neptune), his father;

         She who conceived him was Damkina, his mother …”


         “ in his holy palace Ea (Neptune) slept.

Over the abyss, the distance, he built his house and shrine

and there magnificently he lived with his (Enki‘s) wife Damkina .

          In that room, at the point of decision where what is to come is predetermined,

he was conceived, the most sagacious, the one from the first most absolute in action.

          In the deep abyss he was conceived,

          MARDUK was made …”


         “Bel (Marduk), cleverest of the clever, sage of the gods, was begotten.

And inside Apsu, Marduk was created;

Inside pure Apsu, Marduk was born.

Ea (Enki) his father created him, Damkina his mother bore him …”


Asarlui / Asarluhi / Asalluhi Quotes From Texts

Asarlui / Asarluhi / Asalluhi = Marduk, Enki‘s eldest son

“son of the abzu”, Enki‘s domain

Marduk As Asarlui:

        “prince Asarlui, the most precious one, is a warrior,

         born a noble prince, a leopard who seizes prey.

         He is like an onrushing storm battering the rebel land …”


        “Asar-alim-nuna, the son of the abzu, has erected a house in your precinct,

         O house Kuara, and taken his seat upon your dais… the house of Asarlui in Kuara …”


Marduk As Asalluhi:

        “by the wisdom of Ea (Enki) and Asalluhi, …”


Marduk As Asarluhi:

Asarluhi is named as “son of the abzu” and “eloquent one of the abzu.” The “abzu” is simply the Sumerian word for abyss. The most important temple in Eridu was known as the E-abzu, or “Temple of the Abyss”, which was the cult center of the god Enki.

        “Kuara, the beloved city which you have chosen in your heart, lives in joy because of you.

        The generous-hearted (Royal) Prince (Enki) named you with the name Asarluḫi …”


        “On that day, the storm forced people to live in darkness.

         In order to destroy Kuara, it forced people to live in darkness.

         Ninehama (Marduk’s spouse) in her fear wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Asarluhi put his robes on with haste and …….”


        “Just as when Enki, the wild bull of Eridug (Eridu), arrives;

        as when the mother of the E-maḫ, Damgalnuna (Ninki), arrives;

        as when Asarluḫi, the son of Eridug, arrives; …”


         “when I go to where Lord Enki is honored,

         when I go to where Damgalnuna …… is honored,

         when I go to where Asarluḫi …… is honored …”


Nimrod’s origins, and those of the god Marduk, can be traced back to the early dynasties of ancient Sumer and to the cult center of Eridu which was the original city of Babylon. After the fall of the Tower and after the division of the languages the memory of Nimrod was preserved in many different names. In the village of Kuara, very near to the city of Eridu, Nimrod was remembered as the god Asar-luhi. Here is a portion of a Sumerian “Hymn to Asarluhi“, in which the ‘Asar‘ figure is again equated with Marduk:

August sage, firstborn son of Enki, he gives …… to all who are born.

Profoundly intelligent, as wise as his father, possessed of understanding,

Asarluhi (Marduk) penetrates everything…

Lordly son of the abzu, endowed with holy wisdom, he is Marduk, the bringer of counsel.

Tall in stature, he can survey all the divine powers of heaven and earth.

         Son endowed with a broad understanding,

whose movement is that of an animal with large horns in the reed-beds;

Asarluhi, mighty deluge determining great fates, unleashed and knowing no course whatsoever!

When great An (Anu) shared out the divine powers (alien technologies)

for heaven and earth, incantations fell to your lot.

Scanning all mankind with a glance, god of benign features, with an attractive physique;

most skilled metalworker, creating masterpieces; counselor and judge,

whose word in the august sanctuary is unalterable and whose character is sublime:

I shall exalt him in song and glorify his name.

Eloquent one of the abzu, great minister of Eridug, lordly Asarluhi!

The enkum and ninkum priests, the abgal and abrig priests,

the …… priestesses and the …… all pay attention when you open your holy mouth.

Daily as they go forth, they circumambulate (?) you.

Cleansing the purification rites with pure hands and pure tread, holy in every respect,

you are the supervisor of the purification priests of E-abzu.

Kuara, the beloved city which you have chosen in your heart, lives in joy because of you.

The generous-hearted Prince (Enki) named you with the name Asarluhi …”


            “Asarluhi, mighty deluge determining great fates, unleashed and knowing no course whatsoever!”


Azag Quotes From Texts

Azag = Marduk, Enki‘s eldest son & heir

         “Ninurta: she has born him a warrior who knows no fear — the Asag (Marduk),

          a child who sucked the power of milk without ever staying with a wet-nurse, a foster-child,

O my master — knowing no father, a murderer from the Mountains, a youth who has come forth from ……,

          whose face knows no shame; impudent of eye, an arrogant male, …”


         “My master, this same creature has erected a throne dais: it is not lying idle.

Ninurta, Lord, it actually decides the Land’s lawsuits, just as you do.

Who can compass the Asag’s (Marduk) dread glory?

Who can counteract the severity of its frown?

People are terrified, fear makes the flesh creep; their eyes are fixed upon it.

          My master, the Mountains have taken their offerings to it. …”


         “Ninurta, it is confident that it can lay hands on the powers received by you in the abzu (Enki‘s domain).

Its face is deformed, its location is continually changing;

          day by day, the Asag (Enki‘s son Marduk) adds territories to its domain. …”


         “The besetting Asag is beyond all control, its weight is too heavy.

Rumors of its armies constantly arrive, before ever its soldiers are seen.

This thing’s strength is massive, no weapon has been able to overturn it.

Ninurta, neither the ax nor the all-powerful spear can penetrate its flesh,

          no warrior like it has ever been created against you …”


         “ The lights of the Mountains did not gleam in the distance any longer.

People gasped for breath (?); those people were ill, they hugged themselves, they cursed the Earth,

          they considered the day of the Asag’s birth a day of disaster …”


         “Someone from afar came to meet it, brought news for the tireless one,

         the one who never rests, whose wings bear the deluge, the Car-ur (terrible weapons).

What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

It reported the deliberations of the Mountains, it explained their intentions to Lord Ninurta,

it outlined (?) what people were saying about the Asag …”


         “Ninurta, Lord, full of fearsomeness, who will hurry towards the Mountains,

proud Hero without fellow, this time you will not equal the Asag!

          Ninurta, do not make your young men enter the Mountains …”


         “The Asag leapt up at the head of the battle.

For a club it uprooted the sky, took it in its hand; like a snake it slid its head along the ground.

It was a mad dog attacking to kill the helpless, dripping with sweat on its flanks.

Like a wall collapsing, the Asag fell on Ninurta the son of Enlil.

Like an accursed storm, it howled in a raucous voice; like a gigantic snake, it roared at the Land.

It dried up the waters of the Mountains, dragged away the tamarisks,

tore the flesh of the Earth and covered her with painful wounds.

It set fire to the reed-beds, bathed the sky in blood, turned it inside out; it dispersed the people there.

          At that moment, on that day, the fields became black potash,

across the whole extent of the horizon, reddish like purple dye — truly it was so!

(nuclear war, Ninurta & Nergal vrs. Marduk and Nabu) An (Anu) was overwhelmed, crouched, …”


          “Enlil has said:

‘As the Deluge i.e. Ninurta, before whom the venom has piled up, attacks the enemy,

let him take the Asag by the shoulder, let him pierce its liver, let my son enter with it into the E-kur.’ …”


          “Ninurta, Enlil‘s seal-bearer, go to it!

Do not tarry. My master: the Asag has constructed a wall of stakes on an earthen rampart;

the fortress is too high and cannot be reached, …… its fierceness does not diminish …”


         “The weapon covered the Mountains with dust, but did not shake the heart of the Asag …”


         “Like a bird of prey the Asag looked up angrily from the Mountains.

He commanded the rebel lands to be silent and …….

Ninurta approached the enemy and flattened him like a wave (?).

          The Asag’s terrifying splendor was contained, it began to fade, …”


          “Ninurta‘s splendor covered the Land, he pounded the Asag like roasted barley, …”

          “When he had brought the Asag which he had slain to the condition of a ship wrecked by a tidal wave, …”


          “From today forward, do not say Asag: its name shall be Stone …”


          Inanna speaking:

          “On this day, the Lady herself, She who speaks truth,

           The accuser of Azag, the great princess, An (Anu) awesome judgment uttered. …”


Overwhelmed by the merciless onslaught, Azag called on his followers to show no resistance:

          “The arisen Enemy to his wife and child called; against the lord Ninurta he raised not his arms.

          The weapons of Kur with soil were covered (hidden away); Azag them did not raise …”

By nonresistance tactics, Azag escaped defeat.

          “The scorpion of Kur Ninurta did not annihilate …”


Bel Quotes From Texts

Bel = sometimes Marduk, sometimes Enlil (as older Bel)

Marduk As Bel:

         “Cyrus held the hands of Bel (The Lord) Marduk


         “Nabu, who comes, stands over, and watches. :

         He is the criminal who is with Bel …..

         Because he is with Bel (Marduk).

         Tashmetu (Nabu‘s spouse), who bows down with him.

         She has come to greet him.

         The Lady of Babylon, who does not go to the Akitu temple.

         She is the governess of the temple …”


          “is the criminal who was present with Bel (Marduk).

          They Ashshur (Ashur) ………… they have killed the daughter of Anu …… …”


         “an eternal line of kingship, whose rule Bêl (Marduk) and Nabu love,

         whose kingship they desire for their hearts’ pleasure. …”


Enlil As Bel :

          “If it belongs really to Bêl (Enlil), it would have been marked with the spade …”


          “(O Ninip) is thy heart; a worshipper of Bel (Enlil) whose might upon thy great deity is founded, …”


Bilulu Quotes From Texts

Bilulu = Marduk sometimes, old lady sometimes

Marduk had caused her beloved’s (Dumuzi) death.

         “What is in holy Inanna‘s heart?

          To Kill! To kill the Lord Bilulu (Marduk). …”


         “How truly she proved the equal of Dumuzid, avenging him;

         by killing Bilulu, Inanna proved equal to him! …”


Merodach Quotes From Texts

Merodach = Marduk, eldest son & heir to Enki

Supreme god, sun god, son of Enki and Damgalnuna / Ninki

        “but in the mighty force of the great Merodach going before me

         I engaged in battle with them; I effected their overthrow; …”


         “in the service of Assur (Marduk’s son), the great god my Lord

         and the great Merodach going before me,

         by the powerful aid which the Lord Assur extended to my people, my servants and my soldiers …”


        “the great Merodach going before me (insuring victory), …”


Urac / Uras Quotes From Texts

Urac / Uras = sometimes Marduk, Enki‘s eldest son

                                sometimes Nammu, Anu‘s consort

                                sometimes Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter

Marduk As Uras:

         “To Uras, the strong, the almighty, the supreme, the firstborn of the gods,

         the lusty warrior, the unique one, whose onset in battle is unrivaled,

         the eldest son, the crusher of opposition, the firstborn of Ea (Enki),

         the powerful warrior of the angels …” —–

(Igigi, those in orbit who transport from Earth to Mars to Nibiru, & back)


         “I (Ashurnasirpal) took the city of Calah (in hand) anew.

         The old mound I changed.

         I deepened (it) as far as the level of the waters.

         To a depth of 120 tikpi I consolidated (it).

         The temple of Uras my lord upon the middle of it I founded.

         At that time I made an image of the same Uras which did not previously exist in the inventiveness of my heart,

         even a colossus of his great divinity, with the best of mountain-stone and fine gold.

         I accounted him my great divinity in the city of Calah.

           His festivals I ordained in the months Sebat and Elul.

            His sanctuary which had not been built I designed.

         The holy of holies of Uras my lord I constructed firmly in the midst of it.

         The temple of Beltis (Ninlil), Sin (Nannar / Sin), and Gula (Bau),

         the image of Ea (Enki) the king (and) the image of Rimmon (Adad)

         the master of heaven and earth I erected …”


        “Uras, the hero, the destroyer of evil men and foes, who discloses all that is in the heart; …”


        Uras the warrior, the hero of the great gods,

         the king who in reliance upon Assur and Uras the gods …”


         “Uras the warrior-god (and) hero of the great gods, the avenger of his fathers, …”


        “Tiglath-pileser the valiant hero, the holder of the scepter unrivaled

         who completes the mission of the supreme (gods).

        Uras and Nergal have given their forceful weapons and their supreme bow

        to the hands of my lordship.

        Under the protection of Uras who loves me …”


        “elephants I brought to my city Asur.

        Under the protection of Uras who loves me …”