Ningishzidda Quotes From Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         Enki addressed to Enlil words of lauding:

         ‘O one who is foremost among the brothers,

         Bull of Heaven, who the fate of Mankind holds:

         In my lands, desolation is wide spread;

         All the dwellings are filled with sorrow by your attacks’ …”


…the territorial disputes be brought to and end and the lands rightfully belonging to the Enlilites and the people of the line of Shem be vacated by the Enkites. Enki agreed to cede forever these territories:

         “I will grant thee the rulers position in the gods’ Restricted Zone;

         The Radiant Place, in thy hand I will e..ntrust! …”

In so ceding the Restricted Zone (the Sinai peninsula with its spaceport) and the Radiant Place (the site of Mission Control Center, the future Jerusalem) Enki had a firm condition…the sovereignty of Enki and his descendants over the Giza complex had to recognized for all time.

Enlil agreed but…sons of Enki who had brought about the war and used the Great Pyramid for combat…be barred from ruling over Giza…or the whole of Lower Egypt. Enki agreed.

        “For the formidable House Which is Raised Like a Heap …”

he appointed the prince who is like a full-grown ibex–…and commanded him to guard the Place of Life.

         “He then granted the young god

         the exalted title NIN.GISH.ZI.DA (Lord of the Artifact of Life)

A hymn…believed composed by the daughter of Sargon (Enheduanna) of Akkad in the 3rd millennium B.C. exalted the pyramid-house of Ningishzidda and confirmed its Egyptian location:

         “Enduring place, light-hued mountain which in an artful fashion was fashioned.

         Its dark hidden chamber is an awe-inspiring place; in a Field of Supervision it lies.

         Awesome, its ways no one can fathom.

         In the Land of the Shield your pedestal is closely knit as a fine-mesh net…

         At night you face the heavens, your ancient measurements are surpassing.

         Your interior knows the place where Utu (the sun god) rises,

         the measure of its width is far reaching.

         Your prince is the prince whose pure hand is outstretched,

         whose luxuriant and abundant hair flows down on his back–

         the lord Ningishzidda …”


Another text called Ningishzidda the “falcon among gods”.

Egyptians call this son of Enki / Ptah...”god of the cord who measures the Earth”.

…first urban settlements in Jerico (from 8,500 B.C. To 7,000 B.C.) The reign of Thoth in Egypt (from about 8,670 to 7,100 B.C.) His accession followed the Peace Conference. Egyptians say of his accession:

         “In the presence of the Determiners of Annu, following the night of the battle …”

after he had helped

         “defeat the Storm Wind (Adad) and the Whirlwind (Ninurta) …”

and then assisted in:

         “making the two combatants be at peace …”

the reign of Thoth was a time of peace among the gods…the Egyptian “Age of the demigods” (offspring of the cohabitation of gods and humans) was from 7100 B.C. to 3450 B.C.

According to Gudea’s inscriptions, “the Lord of Girsu” appeared unto him in a vision, standing beside his “Divine Black Bird”. The god expressed to him the wish that a new E.NINNU (“House of Fifty”)–also Ninurta’s numerical rank, be built by Gudea.

Gudea was given two sets of divine instructions: one from a goddess who in one hand

         “held the tablet of the favorable star of heavens …”

and with the other

         “held a holy stylus …”

with which she indicated to Gudea “the favorable planet” in whose direction the temple should be oriented.

The other set of instructions came from a god that Gudea did not recognize…Ningishzidda. He handed to Gudea a tablet made of precious stone

         “the plan of a temple it contained …”

Ningishzidda…knew how to secure the foundations of the temples; he was

         “the great god who held the plans …”

         “a god called forth from obscurity in Gudea’s time, …”

only to become a “phantom god” and a mere memory in later (Babylonian and Assyrian) times.