Praise of Nabu for Neriglissar (8)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        w[is]e prince, the one who daily through the su[pport of his gods]

           (Marduk, his son Nabu, & Babylonian king)

        const[antly] seeks re[spect for the god Marduk — the great lord] — and the god Nabû — his t[rue] heir —

        the one who se[eks] to copiously supply sattu[kku-offerings (…)] to Esagil and Ezida

           (Nabu’s Ezida; Marduk’s Esagil)

        (and) to perform daily that [which is pleasing] to the gods Nabû and Marduk, [his] lords,

        the one who fulfills [their] comman[d], son of Bēl-šum-iškun

        [wise] prince [(…)] — the perfect young man, the vali[ant] young man, [(…)].

           (Nabu, son to Marduk, spouse to Nanaya)

        When the god Nabû, the e[xalted] vizier, the one who speaks about [my] good de[eds],

        spr[ead] word of my good deeds (and) elevated the head of my royal majesty,

        he looked upon me with his gracious face an[d] granted to me a just reign.

        At his exalted command, I travel[led] enemy road(s), […] mountain path(s),

        […] lands […] … [… h]ostil[e …] (i 25ˊ) … [… k]i[ng …]