Prayer to Enlil for Esarhaddon (129)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)



                                                         (Enlil, giant mixed-breed king, & his mother-goddess Ninsun)

        [For the god Enlil, lord of the lands], whose comma[nd] cannot be revoked,

        [… who]se utterance [cannot be reject]ed, […] gods … […] … ruler […] … […] the great lord, his lord:


             (earthlings in their alien image & likeness)

                  (“mighty man” King Esarhaddon & spouse give praise kneeling before giant alien god Ashur)

          [Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

        king of] the four [quar]ters (of the world), [governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        selected by the steadfast hea]rt of the god Enlil (Earth Colony Commander);

        [who from his childhood trusted in the gods Aššur (Ashur), Enlil, Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Adad,


                              (Marduk                                            Nabu                                     Nergal)

        Marduk, Na], Nergal, and the (other) great gods, [his lords, (who) allowed] him [to attain his desire];

        (the one who) recognized their power, [(the one)] over whom [(the gods) extended] their eternal protection

        [in order to appease their divine heart(s) and set their mind(s) at rest;

        (the one who) by the might of the gods Aššur, Enlil, Bēl (Marduk), and the Son-of-Bēl (Nabû),

        the gods], his helpers, ruled over all lands and [made all rulers submissive] to him;

            (Esarhaddon stands before his god’s temple-residence, ziggurat)

        [the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur, renovated Ekur, (re)built E]sagil and Babylon,

        [completed the sanctuaries and cult cente]rs, (and) (re)confirmed (their) sattukku offerings;

        [the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk],

           (Esagil, Marduk‘s temple-residence inside his great ziggurat)

        became reconciled [to] Babylon (and again) took up his residence [in Esagil, his palace];

        (the one who) made [the god Great-Anu] enter [into his city Dēr and] his [temple] Edimgalkalama

        (“House, Great Bond of the Land”) and [had (him) sit upon (his)] eternal [dais;

        (the one who) restored the splendid appearance of the plundered gods of the lands,

           (Assyrian Empire under care of the gods, giant aliens in our image & likeness)

        returned them] from Assyria [to their (proper) places, and] (re)confirmed their income;

        [wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures]

        in the great cult centers [(and) has] purification rites [perform]ed correctly;

        [son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria]; descendant of Sargon (II),

        king of Assyria, [governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer] and Akkad;

        [descendant of the eter]nal line [of Bēl-bā]ni, son of Adasi, [k]ing of Assyria;

        precious [scion of Baltil (Aššur)], (one of) [roya]l lineage (and) ancient stock (of mixed-breeds)

            (Enlil‘s residence – Command Central for the gods)

        [At that] time, Ekur (“House, Mountain”), the temple (residence) of the god En[li]l, lord of the lands,

        my lord, which a previous king had [built], became [ol]d and [its] walls [buckl]ed.

        [I sou]ght [its (original) emplacement], removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.


                       (Ningishzidda places the original foundation pegs to the great wonders of the world, his spouse Azimua looks on)

        I [completely] (re)bu[ilt (it)] with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda)

        according to [its ancien]t spe[cifications (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.]


           (giant king & Enlil seated, & winged alien sky-disc above)

        [(On account of this), may the god Enl]il, the god who helps me,

        [look upon my] wo[rks with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon his lips!

        May he determine as my fate a] long [life], fullness of old age, [good health, and happiness!]


        [If at any time in the] future, [during the days of the reign] of some future ruler,

        [this temple falls into disrepair and] becomes [dilapidat]ed,

        [may (that ruler) seek out its (original) emplacem[ent (and) repair] its dilapidated parts!

        [May he anoint an inscri]ption written in my name with oil, make an [of]fering, (and) [set (it) back] in [its] place!

        [The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

        He will lengthen (his) day]s (and) enlarge (his) fam[ily].


        [(But as for) the one who by some crafty devi]ce destroys [an inscription written in my name] or cha[nges] its position,

            (Enlil severely punished disobedient kings & earthlings)

        [may the god Enlil (…) glare] at him [angrily] and determine a bad fate [for him!

        May he make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the land] and have no pity on him!