Prayer to Marduk for Bel-ibni

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        […] … […] he turned upside down [… He] changed the[ir] abode.

           (Marduk & spouse Sarpanit, alien rocket atop Marduk’s ziggurat residence)

         [At that time, the god Marduk], the great lord, angrily or[dered] his defeat.

         [The gods of] his [city/country] became angry and […] him. … they gave a magnificent commission …

         He tore down the sanctuaries of their (the Babylonians’) gods, plundered them, and removed (the statues of) [their] gods.

          (giant pilot Ninurta & mixed-breed king with dinner)

         The god Ninurta, foremost son (of the god Enlil),

       revealed to him (in a vision) an omen concerning the goddess Ba-KUR (Bau),

       lady of omens, and caused (him) to remember (this) in his heart.

         They saw the goddess Ba-KUR during the sacking of the town Šapīia; he became afraid (and) concerned.

         He (re)established their offerings (and) released to the god Nabû, his lord, the plundered gods of Ša-uṣur-[Ada]d.

         He abolished their performance of feudal obligations and corvée-labour and established their freedom from taxation.

       [At] that time Nabû-gamil (high-priest), son of Tarībi,

       one privileged to enter the temple of the god Ninurta and the goddess Ba-KUR,

            (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for alien Anunnaki kingship)

         grasped the hand of the goddess Ba-KUR (Bau, spouse to Ninurta)

         and caused (her) to take (the road) to Ša-uṣur-Adad, the holy city.

         She entered the shrine Etenten (‟House which Soothes”), her abode.

         The king Bēl-ibni wrote an official document (granting) exemption to Ša-uṣur-Adad and gave it to Nabû-gamil.

         Moreover, he made Ša-uṣur-Adad free of all claims for the god Nabû, his lord.

       With regard to anyone in the future –– whether a king, or a son of a king, or a prince, or a governor, or a judge,

          (Marduk, son Nabu, & his mixed-breed king with dinner)

       or anyone else who is appointed by the god Marduk, the great lord, and (who) exercises lordship over the land ––

         (who) does anything deceitful against Ša-uṣur-Adad and the gods who dwell there ––

         whether they summon the people to (perform their) feudal obligations and tillūtu-service,

         or you alter (the status of) their fields and reckon them under (your own) jurisdiction ––

         may [the god Mar]duk, the great lord whose command takes precedence,

         turn his favourable [desti]ny to evil and decree in writing […]!

         May he promptly give his throne to his enemy and destroy his people [by hung]er (and) famine!

           (scribe Nabu & father Marduk)

         May [the god Nabû, the scrib]e of Esagila (residence / temple-complex for alien gods in Babylon),

         who directs (all) regions (of the world) and provides abundantly for the sanctuaries,

         cut short his future and decree in writing that his life (last) <not> one day (more)!