Prayer to Marduk for Esarhaddon (107)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        [from] gold, [each of] who[se weight is fifty minas].

        I bui[lt] (and) comple[ted Nēmed-Enlil, its outer wall, (and) had] (it) filled with [spl]endor,

         (making it) an object of wonder for [al]l of the people.

        [I] returned [the plun]dered [god]s of the lands [from As]syria [and the land] Elam

         [to] their [place] and [I set up proper procedures in a]ll of [the cult centers].

        I restored [their interrupted privileged status] that had fallen into disuse.

         I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions.

         I opened roads for them in all directions so that they could establish

         an important position by having (commercial) relations with all countries.

        [I re]stored order to [the dist]urbances at Kish and [ma]de [li]ght shine forth for the [con]fused people.

           (Marduk, spouse Sarpanit, & 3rd son Nabu)

        [The god Mard]uk and [the goddess Zar]panī[tu (Sarpanit), the gods], I am [indeed] the provider.

        Let me enlarge my [fa]mily, gather my relatives, (and) extend my progeny so that they branch out widely;

         let him (the god Marduk) make the foundation of the throne of my priestly office be as secure as a great mountain;

         let my reign endure as long as heaven and earth;

         let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, (and) [ha]ppy mood;

         (and) [let] a happy fate, a good fate, (one) for the lengthening of [the d]ays of my [reign,

         the prote]ction of [the th]rone of my [pries]tly office,

         (and) [the well-being of] my offspring [be pl]aced [in] their (the gods’) [mouths].

        [The sc]epter

        Let them allow there to be in my land rain[s] and floods, successful harvests, an abundance of grain,

         plenty, and prosperity, and (ix 10´) let them store (it) in piles of grain.

        I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone,

         (ix 20´) elallu-stone, (and) white limestone, (as well as) inscribed objects of [ba]ked clay,

         and (then) I depicted on them hieroglyphs representing the writing of my name.


             (Nabu, giant mixed-breed king, earthling worker, Marduk upon animal symbol Mushhushu, & his son Ashur)

         (ix 30´) I wr[ote] on [them] the might of the great hero, the god Marduk,

         (and) the dee[ds that] I had do[ne], [my] pious wo[rk],

         (and) (ix 40´) I pl[aced] (these inscriptions) in [the foundations] (and) fo[r far-off days].

        May he (a future king) r[ead an inscription] wri[tten in] my [name,

         and] anoi[nt] (it) with o[il], ma[ke] an of[fering], (x 10´) (and) return (it) to it[s] place.

         The god Marduk, king of the gods, will (then) hear his prayers.

        (As for) the one who changes (an inscription) written in my name, defac[es my] representatio[ns],

        (vi´ 20´) an[nuls] the privileged sta[tus of] Babylo[n], (and) bre[aks] the cove[nant of] the lord of lo[rds],

          (Marduk, leader of aliens under Enki’s bloodline, Anunnaki leader Enlil challenged)

         may the god Mar[duk], the Enl[il of] the god[s], the lord of [the lands],

         (x 30´) lo[ok with] fu[ry on him and among [all]