Category Archives: Other

Main Inter-Marriages (Royal Bloodline Lineage) of the Gods

King Anu married Antu (his ½ sister, both direct descendants of their ancient king)

Enki (King Anu’s eldest son) married Ninki (the daughter to ex-king Alalu – produced Marduk) (then he produced many children with Ninhursag, his sister)

Enlil (Anu’s son & heir) married Ninlil (his niece, the daughter to Enki & Nisaba)

Martu (King Anu’s son) married Adjar-kidug (his grand-niece, & daughter to Utu)

Ninurta (Enlil’s son & heir) married Bau (his aunt, the daughter to King Anu)

Nannar (Enlil’s son) married Ningal (his cousin, the daughter of Enki & Nisaba)

Adad (Enlil’s son) married Shala (his aunt, the daughter of King Anu)

Nergal (Enlil’s son) married Ereshkigal (his niece, the daughter to Nannar)

Marduk (Enki’s son & heir) married Sarpanit (not from King Anu’s royal bloodline, & therefore punished for breaking their rules for royal marriages)

Inanna (Nannar’s daughter) married Dumuzi (her uncle, the son to Enki & Ninsun, was killed while young) (Inanna then espoused dozens of semi-divine kings & a couple semi-divine queens)