Anu / An Quotes From Texts

Anu / An = Royal King of Planet Nibiru / Heaven & Earth Colony

Father of the Main Gods on Earth

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


As Anu, Speaking in the 1st Person:

            “Anu called to his messenger Llabrat

            Why has the South wind not blown upon the land for seven days?’

            His messenger Llabrat answered him

            ‘My lord, Adapa, the son of Ea (Enki)

         the wing of the South wind has broken.’

            When Anu heard these words He cried, ‘Help!’

            He ascended his throne,

            ‘Let some one bring him,’

            Likewise Ea, who knows the heaven.

         He roused him… he caused him to wear.

         With a mourning garment

         He garbed him, and gave him counsel

            Saying:’Adapa, before the face of Anu the King thou art to go… to heaven

            When thou comest up, and when thou approachest the door of Anu,

            At the door of Anu, Tammuz (Dumuziand Gishzida (Ningishzidda) are standing,

         they will see thee, they will ask thee;

            ‘Sir,’ For whose sake dost thou so appear, Adapa‘?’…”


            “‘He (Anusummoned the first (missile) to give his instructions,      

         ‘Wherever you go and spread terror, have no equal.’

         He said to the second, ‘Burn like fire, scorch like flame’.

         He commanded the third, ‘Look like a lion,

         let him who sees you be paralyzed with fear’.

         He said to the fourth,

         ‘Let a mountain collapse when you present your fierce arms’.

         He said to the fifth,

         ‘Blast like the wind, scan the circumference of the earth’.

         He said to the sixth.

            ‘Go out everywhere (like the deluge) and spare no one’.

            The seventh he charged with viperous venom,

         ‘Slay whatever lives’.

            After Anu had ordained destinies for all of the Seven (nuclear missiles),

            He gave those very ones to Erra (Nergal), warrior of the gods, saying:

         ‘Let them go beside you,

         when the clamor of human habitations becomes noisome to you,

         ‘And you resolve to wreak destruction,

         ‘To massacre the black-headed (earthlings) folk and fell the livestock,

         ‘Let these be your fierce weaponry, let them go beside you’. …”


       “An raised his far-reaching gaze to the good shepherd.

         He spoke to Ur-Ninurta, his beloved son (Adad’s son), with kindly words:

         “May there be shame at your awe-inspiring splendor, while you (?) ride as if on a great storm.

         May you have no rival in your youthful power.

         May the Land remain (?) under your rule.

         May you make your name supreme in the foreign lands, and may they speak good of you.

         May the land that is of its own will unbending to you, submit to you.

         Ur-Ninurta, to whom I have given great power: you should trust in my name. …

         “I am the only one among the gods with great divine powers.

         I am An (Anu) the king, the only one among the gods with great divine powers (alien technologies).

         Ur-Ninurta, my utterances shall never be altered for you.”


As Anu:

         “Anu, Enlil and Ea (Enki),the great gods,

         Who dwell in heaven and earth, in their assembly…”


         “this is how I feel you will become,’ declared Ninhursag-Ki to Anu

when she saw the scarred little ones come out crying out and screaming out of her sacred womb.

‘Theirs will be the Uneven Energies, eternally fighting Balance wherever they go.

But I, who gave birth to you out of my womb,

I who was the first together with your father, declare a hope to such hard destiny.

For the Daring, mastery will be granted over Chaos but only for those who will be able to see beyond pain,

         suffering and loss to retrieve the light that was the primeval union of mine with Anu, my first love’. …”


         “These are the ones who seized power.

The gods cast lots and divided (the Cosmos):

[Anu] went up to [heaven]

[Enlil had] the earth as his subject;

[the lock,] the snare of the sea

[was given] to Enki the wise.

[After Anu] went up to heaven

[and Enki w]ent down [to the ap[su . . .

(they caused] the Igigi (lesser gods) [to bear the work]. …”


He threw down the reins (and) made Ea take (them).

The Tablet of Destinies, which Qingu (unidentified) had appropriated, he fetched

          And took it and presented it for a first reading (?) to Anu…”


            “Anu, who created gods and humankind, gazed at holy Inanna

            (1 ms. adds: and addressed the favorite wife who travels by his side),

         unable to describe this arrogance, this arrogance —

            Anu was unable to describe (1 ms. adds: to Inanna) this arrogance, this arrogance;

         ‘My child, …… you did not say …… — you were able to capture E-ana!

            Inanna, ….. you did not say ….. — you were able to capture E-ana!             

         E-ana should be as firm as heaven, it should not be toppled

            (1 ms. has instead: its attractions should never be exhausted).

         Its name should be “The Settlement of the Land’.

            (1 ms. adds: It should have no rival.) …”


             “The road to Heaven he (Enki) made him take, and to Heaven he ascended.

            When he came to Heaven, when he approached the door of Anu,

            At the door of Anu, Tammuz (Dumuzi) and Gishzida (Ningishzidda) are standing.

            When they saw him, Adapa, they cried:’Help,

         Sir, for whom dost thou so appear? Adapa,’…”


            “The messenger of Anu came:

            ‘Adapa has broken the wing of the south wind. …”


            “The eagle (pilot) made ready to speak, saying to Etana:

             “My friend… that god…

             ‘We passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea (Enki),

            We passed through the gates of Sin (Nannar),

            Shamash (Utu), Adad (Ishkur) and Ishtar (Inanna)

         We did obeisance together, you and I,…’…”


          “The eagle (pilot) said to him, to Etana:

        ‘My friend, the [ ] are obvious,

         Come, let me take you up to heaven,’…

         When he borne him aloft one league,

            The eagle said to him, to Etana:      

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now

         Examine the sea, look for its boundaries

         The land is hills…

         The sea has become a stream’.

         When he had borne him aloft a second league,

             The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!

          The land is a hill’.

             When he had borne him aloft a third league,

            The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

            After they ascended to the heaven of Anu

            They passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea (Enki),

            The eagle and Etana did obeisance together,

            At the gate of Sin (Nannar)

            The eagle and Etana (mixed-breed king of Kish) did obeisance together…”


(Another version of this episode):

         “When he had borne him aloft one league,

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

          ‘The land´s circumference is become one fifth of its size.

          ‘The vast sea is become like a paddock’.

         When he had borne him aloft a second league,

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

          ‘The land has become a garden plot [ ],

          ‘And the vast sea has become a trough’.

         When he had borne him aloft a third league,

          ‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

          ‘I looked but could not see the land!

          ‘Nor were my eyes enough to find the vast sea!

          ‘My friend, I won´t go up to heaven

             “Set me down, let me go off to my city’…”


           “She has asked of Anu her spouse (mistress to Anu) long life hereafter for him

         Many years of life for Ammiditana            

         Has Ishtar rendered to him as her gift. …”


            “then Anu and Bel (Marduk) called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince,

         who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, …”


Anu As An, Speaking in the 1st Person:

            “I am An (Anu) the king, the only one among the gods with great divine powers…” 


Anu As An:

            “Come to ramparted Uruk.

            There the holy temple of Eanna

            Where the Great God An lives,

            Come with me, Enkidu, to the holy dwelling

            To the temple, Sky God’s house,…”


            “An, the king of the gods-…

            all the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods gather around him…

            the gods of the earth submit themselves to him…”


            “An, the God of Firmament, 

            Also valiant Enlil, his son

            And Enki, his son also-…”


          “In those days, in those distant days,

            in those nights, in those remote nights,

         in those years, in those distant years;

         in days of yore, when the necessary things

         had been brought into manifest existence,

         in days of yore, when the necessary things

         had been for the first time properly cared for,

         when bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land,

         when the ovens of the Land had been made to work,

         when the heavens had been separated from the earth,

         when the earth had been delimited from the heavens,

         when the fame of mankind had been established,

            when An (Anu) had taken the heavens for himself,

            when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,

            when the nether world had been given to Erec-kigala ( Ereshkigal) as a gift;…”


            “Men used to eat grass with their mouths like sheep.

         In those times, they did not know grain, barley or flax.

            An (Anu) brought these down from the interior of heaven…”


            “Nuska, good lord of Enlil!…

            honorable son (grandson) of An (Anu)

            great food offerings, are brought before you, Nuska, lord beloved by An

           Nuska, great lord, son of An

           An be praised for your very great eminence! 

            Your own father has declared your fame:…”


            “she had captured E-ana from An!            

         She secured it …….

            Now Inanna speaks of the E-ana as the house that is the place of the lady.

         The goddess who has attained her triumphant position,

            Inanna who has attained her triumphant position, declares in the good place:

            ‘I have captured E-ana from An‘ …”         


        Skyfather / Sky Lord Quotes From Texts

Skyfather / Skylord = Anu, father of the gods

King of Heaven & Earth


He knew the secret of things and laid them bare.

And told of those times before the Flood

In his city, Uruk, he made the walls, which formed a rampart stretching on

And the temple called Eanna, which was the house of An, the Sky God

And also of Inanna, Goddess of Love and Battle...”


            “he seated Anu (the Skyfather) …”


            “Father An, the Sky Lord,…”


            “Come to Uruk of the strong walls

            To Inanna‘s Temple of Love,

            And to the Eanna,

            Where the Sky God An can be found…”


Ancar Quote From Text

An / Anu / Ancar = Anu, King of Nibiru & Earth Colony

Head of the pantheon, god of the sky, the ultimate source of all authority


         “I am Enlil, the descendant and offspring of Ancar, the noble,

         the lord of heaven and earth…”