The Creation of the Pickax

Translated by T. Jacobsen, Toward the Image of Tammuz and Other Essays on Mesopotamian History and Culture, edited by W. L. Moran (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), 113-14.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue….mixed-breeds in teal)


         The lord did verily produce the normal order,

The lord whose decisions cannot be altered,


(Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, son & heir to King Anu on planet Nibiru)

Enlil quickly removed heaven from earth

So that the seed, from which the nation grew, could sprout up from the field;

He quickly brought the earth out from under the heaven as a separate entity

And bound up for the earth the gash in the “bond of heaven and earth”

So that the earth could grow humankind.;

He created the pickax when daylight was shining forth,

He organized the tasks, the pickman’s way of life;

Stretching out his arm straight toward the pickax and the basket,

Enlil sang the praises of his pickax.

He drove his pickax into the earth.

In the hole which he had made was humankind.

While the people of the land were breaking through the ground,

He eyed his black-headed ones in steadfast fashion.

2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home
                  (Ninurta                         Ur-Namma            earthling cup bearer)

The pickax and the basket build cities,

         The steadfast house of the pickax builds, the steadfast house of the pickax establishes,

             3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur  (Enlil‘s mud brick-built mountain residence, “Bond Heaven & Earth”)

The steadfast house it causes to prosper.

The house which rebels against the king,

The house which is not submissive to its king,

The pickax makes it submissive to the king

The pickax, its fate is decreed by father Enlil,

The pickax is exalted.