Supplications to the god Marduk for Nebuchadnezzar I (5)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


        In Babylon dwells Nebuchadnezzar, [the king].

           (faint image of King Nebuchadnezzar I)

        He rages like a lion (and) thun[ders] like the god Adad.

        Like a lion, he frigh[tens] his distinguished nobles.

        [His] supplications go to the god Marduk, lord of Babylon:

          “Have pity on me, one who is dejected and prost[rate]!

        Have pity on my land, which weeps and mourns!

        Have pity on my people, who wail and weep!

        O lord of Babylon, how long will you dwell in the land of the enemy?

        May beautiful Babylon be remembered by you!

          (Marduk’s Esagila & residence in Babylon)

        Turn your face back to Esagila (“House Whose Top Is High”), which you love!”

          The lord of Babylon listened to [the supplication(s) of]

        Nebuchadnezzar and [his command] comes down to him from heaven:

          “[… b]y (my own) mouth I spoke to you.

        [Instructions (promising)] good fortune, I have sent to you.

        [With] my [support] you are to attack the land of Amurru (Martu, Anu’s son).

        […] listen to [the iss]uing of your instructions!

        […] take me [from E]lam to Babylon!

        Let me, [… the lord of Ba]bylon, give Elam to you!

        […] above and below.”

        […] has seized [(…)] his gods […]




          […] Akkad, written (and) collated (from) a copy (in) Babylon.

          […] king of the world, king of Assyria.