Category Archives: Solar System

The Complete Solar System of 12 Celestial Bodies

#1 SUN = APSU (Sunday)

Greeks named the days of the week by the 7 known celestial bodies in the sky thought to orbiting Earth. Copernicus discovered in 1543 that planets orbit the sun. He knew of 6 planets at the time.

Sun = Sunday (Greek)

Sun = Apsu “one who exists from the beginning” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#2 MERCURY = MUMMU (Wednesday)

(9th Planet in from Nibiru)

Mercury = Mercredi (Greek), or Wednesday

Mercury = Mummu “one who was born of waters mixed of Apsu and Tiamat.” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#3 VENUS = LAHUMA (Friday)

(8th Planet in from Nibiru)

(8-Pointed Star Symbol of Inanna)

Venus = Vendredi (Greek), or Friday

Venus = Lahuma, (female) “lady of battles” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#4 EARTH (½ of TIAMAT)

(7th planet in from Nibiru)

(7-Pointed Star Symbol of Enlil)

Earth = Tiamat “maiden of life” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Earth = Ki, the lower ½ of Tiamat

Originally the planet was named Tiamat. Lower ½ of planet Tiamat, called Ki, was knocked into the new orbit of today and grabbed planet moon from its original orbit. Now moon orbits Earth (/Ki ) and does not spin on its axis. Earth’s great crater at the bottom filled in with water and then Earth’s plates moved to where they are now. This is continental drift. Earth’s land mass was all connected at the top of the globe, then, drifted apart. Cracks filled with water. The upper ½ of planet Tiamat was smashed by the crossing planet, Nibiru, and is now the Asteroid Belt.

#5 MOON = KINGU = LUNA (Monday)

Moon = Monday (Greek)

Moon = Kingu (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#6 MARS = LAHMU (Tuesday)

(6th Planet in from Nibiru)

(6-Pointed Star Symbol of Nabu)

Mars = Mardi (Greek), or Tuesday

Mars = Lahmu (male) “deity of war” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Hammered Bracelet”

ASTEROID BELT (1/2 of the Original EARTH)

Celestial Bracelet” (Egypt)

Hammered out bracelet (Old Testament)

Referred by Old Testament & Egyptians, & others asHeaven

½ of planet Tiamat. Tiamat was cracked into 2 parts by one of Nibiru’s moons, ½ became Earth, ½ was smashed into bits by Nibiru as it passed by, forming the Asteroid Belt. Matter was transferred from Nibiru to Earth at this time.

#7 JUPITER = KISHAR (Thursday)

(5th Planet in from Nibiru)

Jupiter = Jeudi (Greek), or Thursday

Jupiter = Kishar “foremost of the firm lands” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#8 SATURN = ANSHAR (Saturday)

(4th Planet in from Nibiru)

Saturn = Saturday (Greek)

Saturn = Anshar “prince foremost of the heavens” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Saturn’s satellite, Gaga, was confused and it orbit shifted by the gravitational pull of the “planet of the crossing”, Nibiru, and is now the planet Pluto.


(3rd Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1781

Uranus = Anuhe of the heavens” (Sumerian & Akkadian)


(2nd Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1846

Neptune = Ea / Nudimmud, “artful creator”, (epithet of Enki – Sumerian & Akkadian)

Neptune was outermost planet at the time of the collision of Nibiru & Tiamat. It was Neptune’s gravity that caught the planet Nibiru and turned it into our solar system as it passed by.


(1st Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1930

Pluto = Gaga “counselor & emissary of Anshar

Gaga was a satellite of Saturn, Nibiru upon one of it’s crossing orbits, due to the gravitational pull of Nibiru, yanked it away from Saturn and resettled it into it’s present position as Pluto.


(12th Celestial Body in Solar System)

(12-Pointed Star Symbol)

Nibiru = Sumerian “planet of the crossing

Marduk = Babylonian

12th celestial body found in our solar system, ruled by Anu and spouse Antu


Planet” is Greek for wanderer; Greeks and Romans thought the planets and the sun rotate around the earth – 7 known by them – they named gods and days of the week after them.

It takes 2,160 years to conclude a full zodiacal house (ex: Taurus the bull).

Zodiac’s 12 houses were named by the Anunnaki thousands of years ago.

It takes 3,600 Earth years for planet Nibiru to orbit the sun.

Neptune was outermost planet at the time of the collision of Nibiru’s moon & Tiamat, grabbed drifting Nibiru into our solar system (see Epic of Creation for complete story of planets)

Planet Tiamat, (Earth plus asteroid belt) had 11 moons, one is today’s moon, and ten were smashed into comets that now orbit the sun.