Alalu Overview

                                                    (Alalu Tablet of His Demise)                (Anu, cup bearer to Alalu, & next in line for kingship)

(gods in blue)

. Alalu is father to Damkina, Enki‘s spouse

. he is father-in-law to Enki, who is Anu‘s eldest son

. Enki & Damkina‘s marriage was set to settle dispute between Alalu & Anu

. kingship title & lineage of Nibiru‘s royal family was at stake

. Alalu assassinated previous king of Nibiru in a take over plot

. he escaped to Earth to avoid punishment

. he discovered gold on Earth & messaged Anu asking for redemption

. Enki, son to Anu & son-in-law to Alalu, is sent to Earth for verification

. Alalu wrestles Anu for kingship claim

. Alalu loses & is exiled to Mars

. Alalu‘s is the face on Mars, he was buried there by Anzu, also buried there