Category Archives: Babylon

Praise of Nabu for Neriglissar (8)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        w[is]e prince, the one who daily through the su[pport of his gods]

           (Marduk, his son Nabu, & Babylonian king)

        const[antly] seeks re[spect for the god Marduk — the great lord] — and the god Nabû — his t[rue] heir —

        the one who se[eks] to copiously supply sattu[kku-offerings (…)] to Esagil and Ezida

           (Nabu’s Ezida; Marduk’s Esagil)

        (and) to perform daily that [which is pleasing] to the gods Nabû and Marduk, [his] lords,

        the one who fulfills [their] comman[d], son of Bēl-šum-iškun

        [wise] prince [(…)] — the perfect young man, the vali[ant] young man, [(…)].

           (Nabu, son to Marduk, spouse to Nanaya)

        When the god Nabû, the e[xalted] vizier, the one who speaks about [my] good de[eds],

        spr[ead] word of my good deeds (and) elevated the head of my royal majesty,

        he looked upon me with his gracious face an[d] granted to me a just reign.

        At his exalted command, I travel[led] enemy road(s), […] mountain path(s),

        […] lands […] … [… h]ostil[e …] (i 25ˊ) … [… k]i[ng …]

Praise of Shamash (Utu) for Neriglissar (7)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

       [… E]zida […]

         (Ezida, Nabu’s ziggurat residence in Borsippa)

       [… which a king of the p]ast had buil[t and …] its walls —

         [which a for]mer [king] had restored but [did not pro]perly adorn its structure —

         a long time ago [be]came weak, collapsed, and heavy [ra]ins and downpours carried away its walls.

          (Utu & his Wheel of Justice)

       The god Šamaš (Utu), the exalted judge, prompted me to renovate it.

         I put its brickwork in good order, r[ebuilt] its dilapidated section(s), [and] …

Prayer to Shamash (Utu) for Neriglissar (6)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

           (son & scribe Nabu with his father Marduk, tablet in hand)

        Neriglissar, king of Babylon, pious prince, the desire of the god Marduk’s heart,

         exalted ruler, beloved of the god Nabû, the one who deliberates and acquires wisdom,

         the one who [is] always (lit.: “without ceasing”) [mindful] of provisioning

         Esagil (Marduk’s ziggurat temple residence in his patron city of Babylon),

       Ezida (Nabu’s ziggurat temple residence in Borsippa), and Emeslam (Nergal’s temple / residence in Kutha)

          (Esagil in Babylon; Ezida in Borsippa, homes of gods)

         the cult centers of the great gods — […] … […] … […]

         (Samas / Utu flies cover for his selected semi-divine giant kings & their armies)

        … the god Šamaš (Utu) […] ex[tended] his fa[vorable] protection over my army.

         Through pronouncement and divination, the god [Šamaš (…)] spoke unequivocally […]

         I gave reverent attention.

          (Sippar ruins after tens of thousands of years)

       During the beginning of my gracious kingship, the ziggurrat of Sip[par] (Utu’s temple residence in Sippar),

         which a former king had b[uilt and whose] brickwor[k] rains and downpo[urs] carried away,

         (which) a king of the past restored, put its brickwork in goo[d order],

         reb[uilt] its dilapidated section(s), constructed (it to a height of) twenty-two cubits,

         but [did] not co[mplete its] superstructu[re]:

       As for me, the w[ise (and) pious one] who [knows how] to revere the god[s],

         through the wisdom that the god [Ea] (Enki) gave to [me, f]or the god Šamaš […]

       […] in a pronouncement […].

Prayer to Marduk for Neriglissar (03)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

           (Nabu’s Ezida; Marduk’s Esagil residences)

        Neriglissar, king of Babylon, the one who renovates Esagil and Ezida, the one who performs good deeds,

        about whom the great gods made a decision for exercising his everlasting kingship, whose fate the god Marduk

        the foremost of the gods, the one who decrees fates — determined to exercise authority over the lands,

        in whose hands the god Nabû — the legitimate heir (of father Marduk)

        let grasp a just scepter to perform the rôle of shepherd of the black-headed (people),

           (Nergal, Lord of the Under World)

        to whom the god Erra (Nergal) — the majestic one of the gods —

        gave his weapon(s) to save the people (and) spare the land, son of Bēl-šum-iškun — king of Babylon — I.

        When the god Marduk, great lord, elevated me (and) gave me the land and people to rule,

        I myself was constantly present (and) incessant towards Marduk.

        I provide for Esagil and Ezida, keep shrines in good order, (and) constantly seek original rites.

          (Marduk on his throne riding his dragon Mushhushu)

        (As for) the copper mušḫuššu-dragon(s), which are always stationed at the bases of the gates of Esagil

        together with the silver wild bull(s) of the door-jambs, a former king did not station (them)

        in (the gates) Ka-Utu-e, Ka-Lamma-arabi, Ka-ḫegal, and Ka-ude-babbar.

        As for me, the humble (and) respectful one who knows how to revere the gods,

        I cast eight fierce mušḫuššu-dragons of copper that rain down deadly venom on evil doer(s) and enem(ies),

        covered (them) with a plating of shining silver, and stationed (them) on pedestal(s)

        in (the gates) Ka-Utu-e, Ka-Lamma-arabi, Ka-ḫegal, and Ka-ude-<babbar>,

        at the bases of those gates, as in the past, together with the silver wild bull(s)

        of the door-jambs, according to its original appearance.

        (As for) the Dais of Destinies, which is inside Ezida, on which the god Nabû

        the [triumphant] heir — takes up residence at the New Year, at the beginning of the year,

        during the akītu-festival, (during) the setting out of the Enlil of the gods —

          (son & scribe Nabu before father Marduk)

        the god Marduk — the god Nabû — the legitimate heir — goes in procession into Šuanna (Babylon),

        on the fifth (and) eleventh days, when going and returning from Babylon,

        whose structure a former king had cast with silver,

        I covered it with shining gold (and) ornaments of brilliance.

        (As for) the Euphrates River, the river of abundance,

        whose waters since its creation have flowed in full spate directly beside Esagil,

        (but) whose waters had withdrawn from the side of Esagil

        (and) had become too distant to draw (water from it) during the reign of a former king,

        (but as for) me, I sought out its original location and directed the course of its water beside Esagil, as in the past.

        (As for) the eastern canal, which a former king had had dug, but had not constructed its bank,

        I had the canal (re)dug and (properly re)constructed its bank with bitumen and baked bricks.

        I firmly established for the land an abundance of water that does not cease.

        I am constantly incessant towards Esagil and Ezida,

        (and) constantly seek to provision all of the cult-centers of the gods.

        At that time, the palace, the residence of my royal majesty, which is in the Ka-dingirra district —

        which is in Babylon, from Ay-ibūr-šabû, the street of Babylon, to the bank of the Euphrates River —

        which a former king had built and whose door-jamb(s) he had installed inside (it):

        On the outside, the palatial hall over the bank of the Euphrates River collapsed and its brickwork had fallen apart.

        I removed its collapsed walls until I reached the level of the water.

        With bitumen and baked bricks, I firmly secured its base against water,

        and (then) built (it), completed (it), and raised its superstructure.

        I spread out strong cedar(s) to be its šīpu(s), architrave(s), and roof.

        O Marduk, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the resplendent one, the light of the gods — his fathers —

           (Marduk gives exalted commands to his mixed-breed king)

        by your exalted command, which cannot be altered, may I be sated with the charms of the palace that I built;

        may I reach extreme old age (and) attain very old age (of a semi-divine mixed-breed) inside it;

        may I receive inside it, from the horizon to the zenith, wherever the sun rises,

        substantial tribute from the kings of the regions of the entire inhabited world;

        (and) inside it may my descendants rule over the black-headed (people) forever.

Self-Praise of Neriglissar (02)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Marduk, great patron lord of Babylon)

        Neriglissar, king of [Ba]bylon, whom the god Marduk — the great lord (and) the god who created him

        selected in his steadfast heart and (then) bestowed to him a widespread people

        and entrusted him with shep[her]ding the black-headed (people) (all modern earthlings were black-headed);

        in whose hands the god Nabû — the one who is entrusted with the enti[re]ty of the heavens and netherworld

        [le]t grasp a just scepter (and) legitimate rod for making (his) subjects prosper;

        [to wh]om [the god] Erra (Nergal) — the majestic one of the gods —

(Nergal with alien weapon in hand & foot upon disloyal earthling)

        [ga]ve his weapon(s) to kill [ene]mies (and) conquer foes;

        [wh]om the great gods in their assembly to prono[unced] to act

        as the one who provides for them by taking care of Esagil

        (Marduk’s temple residence in Babylon), Ezida (Nabu’s temple residence in Borsippa), and Emeslam (Nergal’s temple residence in Kutha)

        the exalted cult centers — (and) … of the gods of Babylon;

        [Ne]riglissar, king of Babylon, <I>.


        [When the god] Marduk, the great lord, … an abundance of [wat]er in full spate,

        by the will of the deity Ninšiga (unidentified, Ninsikila?) [and] through the wisdom granted by the god Ea (Enki),

 (Utu / Samas / Shamash)

        with the competence provided by the god Marduk, (and) the choice [decisi]on of the god Šamaš (Utu),

        he makes me successful; former […], to/for Borsipa, Ezida, the bīt-guršu, …

        very plentiful gifts (and) offerings they entrust (to me) …

 (Marduk’s residence, Esagil)

        I provide for Esagil (in Babylon) and Ezida (in Borsippa), (and) keep shrines of the gods in good order.

        I made inscriptions (written) in my name (and) [plac]ed (them) inside them (the shrines).

       At that time, Libil-ḫegalla, the eastern canal of Babylon, [which] a former king had had dug,

        but had not constructed its bank with bitumen and baked bricks:

        I had [the canal] (re)dug and I (properly re)constructed its bank

        [and] (thereby) [I a]massed [an abun]dance of water that does not ce[ase] in the land.

        As for me, the wise (and) pious one, the king who knows how to revere the gods,

        I had Libil-ḫegalla (re)dug so that a plentitude of water can enter the land [and] I (re)constructed its b[a]nk.

        I firmly established inside it an abundance of water that does not cease.

        … reside in Babylon, in which I poured out an abundance of water, goodness in their hearts …

        Neriglissar, king of Aga[de], … the god Mār-bīti (unidentified)… legitimate …,

        in an earlier time, [in his] heart … … an everlasting abundance of water, in …

 (Marduk in his sky-disc)

        By the command of the god Marduk, king of the gods, the god who creat[ed me],

 (Nergal with foot upon disloyal earthling)

        and the god Erra, the warrior of war[riors, (…)] … his morning (meal), the day of […] … […]

        may […] be firmly in place and … good thi[ng]s before [you]. … shepherdship;

        may he kill his enemies; may his appearance shine so that the black-headed (people)

        are ha[ppy (about it)] like the moon when rising (and) the sun while s[hi]nin[g];

 (Nabu, young son to Marduk)

        … the god Nabû (Marduk’s son) … the kin[gs of the re]gions of [the entire] inhabited world,

        who sit on … strong … for … may (it/they) be placed in your mouth.

        For eternity


Prayer to Marduk for Neriglissar (01)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        (prayer to Marduk for Babylonian mixed-breed king)

       Neriglissar, king of Babylon, pious prince, the favorite of the god Marduk,

         the humble (and) submissive one who reveres the lord of lords, the wise (and) pious one,

         (NabuNabu’s ziggurat residence Ezida)

         the one who is assiduous towards the shrines of the god Nabû — his lord —

         the ruler who provides, the one who brings large gifts to Esagil and Ezida,

         the one who copiously supplies sattukku-offerings

         (and) ensures that their purification rites are carried out correctly,

         son of Bēl-šum-iškun — wise prince — the perfect young man,

         the one who ensures the protection of Esagil and Babylon,

         the one who protects the approach to the country like a strong wall, I.

         (Marduk acting as if he is Supreme Lord, instead of Enlil the Earth Colony Commander)

       When the god Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, the prince who deliberates,

         the sage who knows the hearts of all of the Igīgū (Igigi, stationed on Mars) gods,

         sought me out among the widespread people and properly provided for me since my youth,

         he gave me an appropriate name (and) constantly guided me in places of well-being and health.

         For my righteousness, with which I always answer him,

         (and) for my submissiveness, through which I constantly seek respect for his divinity,

         I plan daily to perform that which is pleasing to him.

       He looked upon me and declared (my) gracious name to be king in the land.

         In order to shepherd the people for eternity, he gave to me for my kingship a just scepter that widens the land;

         for (my) lordship, he entrusted me with a legitimate rod that protects the people,

         made my hands grasps a staff that subdues enemies, (and) made me wear a legitimate crown,

         and (therefore) I did not tolerate the existence of rivals or intimidators to my kingship.

         I killed foes, slaughtered enemies, (and) suppressed all of the unsubmissive.

         I constantly established justice in the land (and) peacefully shepherded my widespread people.

         (Marduk, son Nabu, & Babylonian king with dinner offering)

       At that time, I gave reverent attention to god Marduk, the god who creates wisdom,

         whose word is supreme among the lgīgū gods,

         whose lordship is the most outstanding among the Anunnakū (Anunnaki) gods.

        (Esagil, Marduk’s ziggurat residence in Babylon)

       (As for) the enclosure wall of Esagil that faces north,

         (an area) in which ramku- (and) kiništu-priests (usually mixed-breeds) of Esagil reside,

         whose foundations a former king had laid but had not raised its superstructure,

         which had become progressively lower due to terracing, its walls became weak,

         its construction was no longer very stable, (and) its door-jamb(s) were not secure.

         To carry out bursaggu-offerings in a pure manner, to arr[ange] purification rites,

         to keep taklīmu-offerings pure for the great lord, the god Marduk,

         and to properly administer sattuk[ku]-offerings, so that no omission or negligence occur[s],

         I examined (and) inspected its original foundation and (then) I secured its (new) foundations on its original foundations.

         I raised its high parts, making (them) as lofty as a mountain.

         I secured its door-jamb(s) and set up doors in its gates.

         I surrounded (it) with a strong base using bitumen and baked bricks.

         (Marduk with rocket atop his launch pad)

       O Marduk, supreme lord, the pre-eminent one, the exalted one, the venerated one, the magnificent one,

         the light of the gods — his fathers — joyfully look upon my precious handiwork

         and give to me as a gift a life of long days, the attainment of very old age,

         a firmly secured throne, and a long-lasting dynasty!

       Through your firm command, which cannot be altered, I am Neriglissar,

         the king who provides (and) the one who is assiduous towards your shrines for eternity.

Praise to Aya (Utu’s Spouse) for Nabopolassar (14)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       Nabopolassa[r], strong king, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         the one who makes the foundations of the land firm, pious prince,

         (Marduk, son Nabu, & semi-divine mixed-breed king)

         protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, favorite of the god Šaššu (Šamaš) (Utu), beloved of the goddess Aya,

         the warrior of war[riors] whom the aweso[me] god Erra (Nergal) allowed to attain his desire,

         the humble (and) respectful one who is assiduous towards the rites of the great gods,

         the king whose deeds surpass those of the kings, his ancestors, I:

         (Ninsun, semi-divine king, & Samas / Utu having disloyal earthling killed)

       When the god Šaššu (Šamaš), the great lord, came to my side and [I] killed [the Subarean (Assyrian)

         and turned the land of] my [ene]my into a mound [of] ruins (lit. “a mound [and] ruins”),

         at that time, I built anew Eʾedinna, the temple where she (lit. “he”) can relax,

         for the Divine Lady (Aya) of Sippar — the exalted princess, my lady — and made (it) as bright as day.

          (Aya, spouse Utu, & father-in-law Nannar)

       On account of this, O Divine Lady of Sippar (Utu’s spouse Aya), supreme [la]dy,

         whenever I complete this temple and you take up residence inside it, for me —

         Nabopolassar, the king who provides for you — prolong (my) kingship until the distant future

         like the bricks of Sippar and Babylon, which are firmly in place for eternity.

Dedication to Shamash (Utu) for Nabopolassar (13)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, I:

          (giant god Marduk orders his king to renovate the gods houses)

       When the god Marduk, the great lord, issued his important order to me

         to provide for cult centers (and) renovate shrines, at that time,

         (with regard to) Sippar, the exalted, beloved cult center of the god Šamaš (Utu) and the goddess Aya,

         the Euphrates River withdrew from it and (its) waters had become too distant to draw (water from it).

          (earliest cities of the earliest advanced civilization; Nabopolasser Cylinder text)

       As for me, Nabopolassar, the humble (and) respectful one who reveres the gods,

         I had the Euphrates River dug to Sippar and (thereby) I firmly established

         an abundance of pure water for the god Šamaš, my lord.

       I firmly secured the bank of that river with bitumen and baked bricks

       (Ninsun, semi-divine king,& Samas / Utu)

         and (thereby) provided the god Šamaš, my lord, with a secure embankment.

Self-Praise of Nabopolassar (6)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       Nabopolassar, king of justice, shepherd chosen by the god Marduk,

         creation of the goddess Ninmenna (Ninhursag) — the exalted princess, the queen of queens

 (Nabu, Nanaya / Tashmetum, & Babylonian king)

         protégé of the god Nabû and the goddess Tašmētum (Nabu’s spouse),

       beloved prince of the god Ninšiku (unidentified, Ninsikila?):

       When, during my childhood, (although) I was a son of a nobody,

         I was constantly assiduous towards the shrines of the gods Nabû and Marduk, my lords;

         (my) mind pondered about making their rites secure and properly administering their kidudû-rites;

         my attention was set on truth and justice.

       The god Šazu (unidentified), the lord who knows the hearts of the gods of heaven and netherworld,

         the one who constantly observes the ingenious behavior of the people,

         for me — the child who could not be found among the people —

         he observed my intention(s) and made me pre-eminent in the land where I was created.

         He called (my) name for dominion over the land and people, made a good lamassu walk beside me,

         (and) allowed (me) to successfully undertake everything that I did.

 (Nergal & disloyal earthling)

         He made the god Nergal, the almighty one of the god, march at my side;

         he killed my enemy (and) cut down my opponent.

       (As for) the Assyrians, who from distant days had ruled over all of the people

         and had made the people of the land suffer under its heavy yoke,

         I, the weak (and) powerless one who is assiduous towards the lord of lords (Marduk),

         with the powerful strength of the gods Nabû and Marduk — my lords —

         I barred them (lit: “their feet”) from the land of Akkad and had (the Babylonians) cast off their yoke.

 (Ninhursag & airborne Ninurta)

       At that time, (as for) E-PA-GÌN-tila, the temple of the god Ninurta that is inside Šuanna (Babylon),

         which a former king before my time had had built, but had not finished its work,

         I set my mind to the renovation of that temple.

         I mustered the workmen of the gods Enlil, Šamaš (Utu), and Marduk

         and (then) I made (them) carry hoe(s and) imposed (on them the carrying of) basket(s).

         I finished the work on th(at) unfinished temple.

         I roofed it with broad beams (and) installed tall doors in its gates.

         I made that temple shine like the sun and made (it) as bright as day for the god Ninurta, my lord.

       Any king in the future, either a son or grandson who comes after me,

         whom the god Marduk names for dominion over the land:

         Do not set your heart on feats of might and power,

         (but rather) be assiduous towards the shrines of the gods Nabû and Marduk

         so that they may kill your opponent(s).

         The god Marduk, my lord, examines the mouth (and) observes the heart

         (so) whoever is true to the god Bēl (Marduk) his foundations will endure

         (and) whoever is true to the god Son-of-Bēl (Nabû) will live for ever.

       When that temple becomes dilapidated and you repair its dilapidated section(s),

         find an inscription (written) in my name (and) place (it) with your inscribed objects.

         By the command of the god Marduk, the great lord whose command cannot be changed,

         may the fame of your name be established for ever.

Prayer to Marduk for Nabopolassar (5)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Enlil, King Anu’s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

       To the god Marduk, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods (supreme leader), the proud one,

         the one who directs the Igīgū (Igigi) gods, the one who controls the Anunnakū gods,

         the light of the gods — his ancestors — the one who dwells in Esagil, the lord of Babylon, my lord:

       Nabopolassar, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,


            (son Nabu, Babylonian mixed-breed king with dinner, earthling worker, Marduk seated upon his throne, & son Ashur)

         pious prince, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, the humble (and) respectful one

         who thoroughly understands how to revere god and goddess in his heart,

         the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who is assiduous towards the rites of the great gods, I:

       When, by the commands of the gods Nabû and Marduk, the beloved of my royal majesty,


                            (Marduk                                     Nabu                                       Nergal)         

         and (with) the strong weapon of the awesome god Erra (Nergal),

         the one who constantly strikes my enemies with lightning (alien technologies),

         I killed the Subarean (Assyrian) (and) turned his land into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound [and] ruins”),

          (Etemenanki, Marduk’s ziggurat residence in Babylon)

         at that time, (as for) Etemenanki — the ziggurat of Babylon, which had become very weak

         (and) had been allowed to collapse before my time — the god Marduk — (my) lord —

         commanded me to firmly secure its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld

         (and) to have its summit rival the heavens.

       I fashioned hoes, spades, and brickmolds (made) of elephant ivory, ebony, (and) musukkannu-wood,

         and (then) I made the vast number of workmen levied in my land carry (them).

         I had (them) make bricks without number (and) mold baked bricks like countless drops of rain.

         I had the Araḫtu canal carry off refined (and) crude bitumen like a raging flood.

       With the knowledge of the god Ea (Enki), with the perspicacity of the god Marduk,


                      (Enki                              Marduk                                      Nabu                                         Nisaba)

         with the wisdom of the god Nabû and goddess Nisaba,

         with the vast mind that the god who created me had allowed me to attain,

         (and) with my great sense of reason, I deliberated (matters) and (then) I commissioned well-trained craftsmen

         and (afterwards) a survey team measured the dimensions using a measuring rod.

         Master builders stretched out the (measuring) ropes (and) firmly established the ground plan.

          (Babylonian King Hammurabi & Utu seated) (semi-divine king & giant Adad)

         I made inquiries through divination to the gods Šamaš (Utu), Adad, and Marduk,

         and whenever (my) mind deliberated (matters) and took the dimensions into consideration,

         the great gods responded to me through the outcomes of divination.

         (3 sons, son Marduk the eldest, & father Enki seated)

       Through the craft of the exorcist, the wisdom of the gods Ea and (his eldest son) Marduk,

         I made that place pure and firmly set its foundation(s) on (its) original socle.

         I laid out gold, silver, (and) stones from the mountains and sea in its foundations.

         I poured out glistening ṣapšu, fine oil, aromatics, and dāmātu-paste beneath the brickwork.

         I fashioned statue(s) of my royal majesty carrying a basket and had (them) placed in the foundation.

        (Babylonian semi-divine mixed-breed king receives instructions from patron giant god Marduk)

       I bowed (my) neck to the god Marduk, my lord, rolled up (my) garment,

         the ceremonial attire of my royal majesty, and carried mud bricks (lit. “bricks and mud”) on my head.

         (semi-divine giant king Nebuchadnezzar II)

         I had baskets made from gold and silver and I made Nebuchadnezzar

         (my) first-born child, the beloved of my heart — carry, with my workmen,

         mud that was mixed with wine, oil, and crushed aromatics.

         I made Nabû-šuma-līšir — his talīmu-brother, a child who is my (own) offspring,

         (his) younger brother, my favorite — take up the hoe (and) spade.

         I imposed (upon him) a gold and silver basket and gave (him) as a gift to the god Marduk, my lord.

       In joy and happiness, I built the temple as a replica of Ešarra and I raised its superstructure up like a mountain.

         For the god Marduk, my lord, I made it suitable to be an object of wonder, just like it was in earlier times.

          (Marduk, aggressive alien giant god)

       0 Marduk, (my) lord, joyfully look upon my good deeds and by your exalted command, which cannot be altered,

         may (this) construction, my handiwork, stay in good repair for ever.

         Like the bricks of Etemenanki, which are firmly in place for eternity,

         firmly secure the foundation(s) of my throne until the distant future.

       0 Etemenanki, pray on behalf of the king who renovated you!

          (semi-divine king brought by Nabu before giant god Marduk on Mushhushu)

         When the god Marduk takes up residence inside you in joy,

         O temple, speak favorable things (about me) to the god Marduk, my lord.