Category Archives: Ninurta

An Adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1-24  ……, lord, whom the Great Mountain engendered, whose magnificence has no equal.

        (alien Prince Ninurta, giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & mixed-breeds unidentified)

        Ninurta, magnificent in heaven and earth, surpassing among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

          (alien King Anu, father to royal gods inhabiting Earth Colony)

        ……, foremost among the gods, support of An (Anu).

        …… imbued with ……, who roars like a storm, who growls in battle.

        ……, who butts like a huge wild bull, who destroys the fortresses of the rebel lands.

         (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, father to Ninurta)

        …… of Enlil: no foreign land can escape from his grasp.

        2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil & house)

        …… by Nunamnir (Enlil), whose words are firmly established.

        ……, fit for princeship, the counselor of Ekur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur).

        …… cannot be scattered, the neckstock of the gods.

        approx. 7 lines missing

        …… may …… be his helper.

        …… (Bur-Suen) the son (grandson) of (alien giant god) Ickur (Ishkur / Adad).

        3 - Adad with divine weapons 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Enlil‘s son Adad, the God of Thunder, father to mixed-breed kings)

        ……, may he provide …… with good food.

        May he regulate …….

        May he be the constant attendant of the E-cumeca, his beloved residence.

        May he never cease to …… daily his great offerings.

        May …… prolong the years of abundance and a pleasant life ……

        for Bur-Suen, well suited for kingship, beloved of An (Anu).


          25 Sa-gida.

         5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, last descendant to be born on Nibiru)

          26 May Ninurta be the help of Bur-Suen, who is reverent towards him.

        27 Its jicgijal.


        28-46 ……, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands;

        Ninurta, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands.

        The king, whose rising is a flood no one can oppose.

        Ninurta, the furious storm in battle, who tramples upon the enemy.

        He is girded with heroism, a young man without rival.

        The one given superior strength by Nunamnir (Enlil), who makes his father feel truly content.

        Your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        Ninurta, your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        …… flattens …… in the rebel lands, who forces the enemy to bow low.

        ……, who roars like a storm.

        3 lines fragmentary

        4 lines missing

        2 lines fragmentary


          47 Sa-jara.

          48 ……whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…….

          49 Its jicgijal.


        08-02-15/11 (warrior, giant alien god Ninurta)

        50-52 Warrior, surpassing dragon ……; Ninurta, surpassing dragon ……,

        …… Bur-Suen, whom you have truthfully chosen.


        53 Its uru.

        5fa - Ninurta, Assyrian cylinder seal (Ninurta, giant alien who will one day, if not now, rule Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        54 An adab to Ninurta.

        (ll. 53 and 54 written as one line in the source)

An Adab of Ninurta for Ur-Ninurta Ur-Ninurta C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-4 Hero, terror-inspiring dragon of exceptional fearsome terror, powerful Ninurta!

         (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son born of planet Nibiru‘s “double seed” law of succession to kingship)

        Rising hurricane, ……, mighty possessor of august strength, who lets no foreign land escape!

        Fitted for heroism from the womb, unrivaled!

          5 barsud.

        6-11 You who treat as hostile the cities as well as the unsettled areas, the rebel lands —

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir  5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird 

        (Ninurta rides his winged beast / weaponized storm bird;         Ninurta‘s sky-disc / storm bird)

        Ninurta, as you pass by, like a terrifying fierce lion (?) you make heaven and earth tremble from east to west.

        When in judgment, like a hero possessing great strength, you batter a rebel land,

        by day you thrust, by night you rear up, and you leave the rebel land lying prone.

        If you merely lift your gaze, you make the great hills tremble (?) together.

          12 cagbatuku.

         (Royal Prince Enlil, son to King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru, served Anu as Earth Colony Commander)

        13-15 Mighty lord, with all the qualities of Nunamnir (Enlil)!

        Support of your father!

         3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur Communication - Sumer's Communication Towers (“Great Mountain” / E-kur / ziggurat residence of Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil, Anunnaki giant aliens Command Central on Earth Colony, Communications Center, & House of Great Decisions, for “Enlil‘s say is final”)

        Ninurta, you are the right arm of the Great Mountain (Enlil), on whom he has bestowed life.

        You understand how to establish and to fulfill the decisions pronounced by him.

        16 2nd barsud.

        17-23 Lord of all rulers, of the terrifying ……, you do not let the evil and wicked escape, …….

        The foreign land and the broad territories that you have looked upon with favor spread themselves before you in abundance.

        You have entrusted the various quarters of heaven and earth,

        6ab - Ur-Ningirsu  (Ur-Ninurta, giant offspring of the alien gods, Adad‘s mixed-breed son appointed as king)      

        with their settled peoples, to Ur-Ninurta, the youth who is all for you, the good shepherd who is attentive to you.

        You have made him to whom Enki has given wisdom understand how to …… them.

        May you be available to make the black-headed (all earthlings), numerous as sheep, follow your path.

          24 sa-gida.

        25 Cast down in heaps all those who are not obedient to the great hero Ur-Ninurta.

          26 jicgijal of the sa-gida.

          1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments

       (Royal Prince Ninurta, born of the “double seed”;  his father Enlil;   & his mother Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, same as Hebrew custom)

        27-35 Lord Uta-ulu (Ninurta), son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills, Ninurta!

        Your imposing greatness is declared in praise songs.

        Your authority and your powerful greatness cover the numerous people in all the lands

        from east to west with their tempestuous splendor.

        Your father who engendered you, the shepherd of the gods, lord Nunamnir (Enlil),

        5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta on his throne with his 50-headed mace, alien high-tech weaponry)

        has placed the great divine powers (alien technologies) of heaven and earth in your hands for safe keeping,

        has given you valor and pre-eminence, and let you have no rivals.

      4f - Nisaba, 2 unknowns, spouse Haia, & daughter Ninlil  

       (Grain Goddess Nisaba, 2 unidentified, her spouse Haia, & their daughter Ninlil, grain gods, Enlil‘s in-laws) 

        You are the heart’s delight of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse): she loves you dearly.

        Rejoicing in your actions, she has made you awe-inspiring.

        36-46 Who like you is a god rising in glory, whose name reaches as far as the limits of heaven?

        You have given …… to the just youth, who was called from among the widespread people,

       5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

      (Apkulla / pilot, Enki,  King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot, a minor god with flight capabilities)

        engendered by the Great Mountain (Enlil) Ur-Ninurta, (semi-divine grandson to Enlil)

        …… joy, to whom you have spoken favorably.

        On the dais …… you have bestowed on him a lapis lazuli …….

        You have added years of joy to (Mesopotamian King) Ur-Ninurta’s reign.

        You have built his city amid plenty, a habitation where the people are settled.

        Top of a Mesopotamian stele, usurped by the Elamites. A god with orant (damaged). Sun- and moongod symbols above the figures. From Susa, Iran. Basalt, 63 x 40 cm Sb 105dd - Shamash & Hammurabi2ee - Utu, Shamash

        (Utu, giant alien symbolized by the Sun, & mixed-breed kings; Hammurabi & Utu;  damaged king & Utu, the Sun god)

        May the black-headed (all earthlings) direct their gaze at you as at the rising Utu.

        3h - Utu in the mountains of Sippar4d - Enlil, Ninurta, & Inanna
         (Utu rising over the mountains;  Earth Colony Commander Enlil, son & heir Ninurta, & granddaughter Inanna with alien weaponry)

        When you have given him the weapon that …… the hostile foreign lands, that makes the earth tremble, ……,

        you will completely devastate the populations that are disobedient to him.

        Uta-ulu (Ninurta), let Ur-Ninurta grasp (?) it in his hand (alien weaponry technologies).

          47 sa-jara.

        48 May you be …… a helper for the great hero Ur-Ninurta.

          49 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        50-53 Lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful.

       2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand  (giant alien Royal Prince Ninurta, with poppy in hand?)

        Ninurta, lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful.

        Determine a good fate for Ur-Ninurta, with years of life forever unalterable as his destiny.

        54 Its uru.

        55 An adab of Ninurta.

A tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-8 My lady, gracious woman, child of holy An (King Anu), adorned with attractiveness,

Enlil‘s (½ sister) beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the interior of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

 (giant alien gods Royal Prince Ninurta & his aunt-spouse Princess Bau)

Bau (Gula), gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness,

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, Bau‘s 1/2 brother, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil‘s beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the midst of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

9-16 My lady, you have brought the divine powers (alien technologies) from the interior of heaven.

         (An / Anu, King of one-world-order planet Nibiru, father in Heaven / Nibiru to main giant gods on Earth Colony)

Your own father, An (Anu), the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers (alien tech),

so you inspire respect among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

 1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (powerful Royal Princess Bau, Doctor, Warden, & more)

Bau, you have brought the divine powers from the midst of heaven.

Your own father, An the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers,

so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods.

8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash  (Gudea, giant 2/3rds semi-divine son-king of alien goddess Ninsun, grandson to Bau)

17-24 After you had chosen the shepherd in the assembly for his attractiveness,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

Bau, after you had chosen (King) Gudea for his attractiveness in the divine assembly,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

25 The sagida.

26-33 My lady, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……,

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta (Royal Princess Bau & nephew-spouse, the Crown Prince Ninurta)

lord Ninjirsu (Ninurta) has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Bau’s ziggurat) lavishly famous.

2ac - possibly Bau & Ninurta  (Bau & spouse Ninurta, patron gods of Lagash, provided with kings & workers)

Bau, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……, lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Lagash residence) lavishly famous.

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail1dd - Bau, administer of prisons (Judge & Prison Warden Bau, with warrior-spouse Ninurta)

34-39 You are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in the heaven and on the earth.

             (Bau, Doctor, Warden, & Royal Princess daughter of King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru)

Bau, you are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in heaven and on earth.

40-45 My lady, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Gudea‘s 1/2 brother Dumuzi)

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd Gudea.

2b - Lagash re-creation  (Lagash re-creation with Ninurta‘s ziggurat residence)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac (Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city)!

Bau, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd, Gudea.

2c - Lagash, largest city of its day (Lagash with walled-off E-tarsirsir ziggurat residence of Ninurta & Bau)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac!

46-47 The sajara.

         A tigi of Bau.

Inscription of Umma and Lagash

Based on: George A. Barton, “Inscription of Entemena #7″ in: The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad (New Haven, CT; Yale Univ., 1929) pp. 61, 63 and 65. Reprinted in D. Brendan Nagle and Stanley M. Burstein, The Ancient World: Readings in Social and Cultural History (Englewood CLiffs, NJ; Prentice Hall, 1995) pp. 30-31.

Lagash and Umma were two Sumerian cities located 18 miles apart.

These documents were found on clay cylinders and date from about 2500 BC At the time of the events recorded here, Entemena is king of Lagash. His uncle, Eannatum, had been king earlier and was responsible for the treaty with Lagash mentioned in these documents. The names of the rulers of Lagash are confusing: Eannatum was king of Lagash at the time the original treaty with Umma was negotiated. Enannatum was Eannatum‘s brother and succeeded him on the throne. Entemena, Enannatum‘s son and Eannatum‘s nephew, was king of Lagash at the time of the dispute described in the documents.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        Document I

           1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Earth Colony Commander Enlil, “double seed” heir to King Anu)

By the immutable word of Enlil, king of the lands, father of the gods,

Ningirsu (Ninurta) and Shara (Inanna‘s son) set a boundary to their lands.

2b - Kish ruins, where kingship was born  (Kish wall ruins, Ninurta‘s mother Ninhursag‘s patron city)

Mesilim, King of Kish, at the command of his deity Kadi (unidentified),

2aa - Bau on stela 4b - Bau & unknowns (Kudurru Stones backed by gods, boundary marker stele of the aliens on Earth)

set up a stele [a boundary marker] in the plantation of that field.

Ush, ruler of Umma, formed a plan to seize it.

That stele he broke in pieces, into the plain of Lagash he advanced.

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (Ninurta / Ningirsu with alien battle-net, son & heir to Commander of Earth, Enlil)

Ningirsu, the hero of Enlil, by his just command, made war upon Umma.

4d - Enlil, Ninurta holding a mace, & Nannar

   (Enlil commands his warrior son Ninurta & granddaughter Inanna, the Goddess of War)

At the command of Enlil, his great net ensnared them.

He erected their burial mound on the plain in that place.

Document II

Eannatum, ruler of Lagash, brother of the father of Entemena [who put up this inscription] …

for Enakalli, ruler of Umma, set the border to the land.

He carried a canal from the great river to Guedin .

2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth   (Ninurta, 2nd in line to kingship of planet Nibiru‘s one-world-order throne, & Earth Colony)

He opened the field of Ningirsu on its border for 210 spans to the power of Umma.

He ordered the royal field not to be seized.

At the canal he inscribed a stele.

He returned the stele of Mesilim to its place.

He did not encroach on the plain of Mesilim.

At the boundary-line of Ningirsu, as a protecting structure,

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etcHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Ninhursag, King Anu‘s daughter, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, Ninurta‘s mother)

he built the sanctuary of Enlil, the sanctuary of Ninkhursag (Ninhursag) ….

By harvesting, the men of Umma had eaten one storehouse-full of

the grain of Nina [goddess of Oracles] (Enki & sister Ninhursag‘s daughter),

the grain of Ningirsu; he caused them to bear a penalty.

They brought 144,000 gur,, a great storehouse full, [as repayment].

The taking of this grain was not to be repeated in the future.

Urlumma, ruler of Umma drained the boundary canal of Ningirsu,

the boundary canal of Nina; those steles he threw into the fire, Continue reading

Ninurta’s (House in Nippur) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


O E-me-ur-ana (House which gathers the divine powers of heaven) standing in a great place,

the just divine powers (alien technologies) which the warrior ……, strength of battle, heroic mace,

5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Enlil‘s warrior son Ninurta with alien weaponry)

carrier of the quiver, mighty bustling brick building, your foundation is eternal.

Founded by the primeval lord, with decisions which belong to the princely divine powers,

holy soil filling the mountain (ziggurat residence of gods), lifting your head among the princes,

magnificent house, the wonder coming from you is like the sun whose glow spreads.


E-šu-me-ša (House which …… the divine powers) (ziggurat residence of gods),

Enlil has instilled your name with terrifying awesomeness.

Your prince, the great ……, the warrior whose strength is boundless,

               (Enlil, Ninurta‘s father, the Earth Colony Commander)

the great ruler for Enlil, the noble who rivals heaven and earth,

the provisioning (?) seal-keeper of father Enlil who makes the great divine powers perfect, the ……,

the leader for father Enlil, the foremost, the lion engendered by the Great Mountain (Enlil),

who destroys the hostile lands for Enlil, lord Ninurta, has erected a house in your precinct,

 (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir born of the “double seed” law of succession)

O E-šu-me-ša, and taken his seat upon your dais.


         15 lines: the house of Ninurta in Nibru

              (Nippur, alien god Enlil’s Command Central, named after their planet Nibiru).

The Return of Ninurta to Nibru (Nippur)

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G.,The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

Ninurta is coming to Nippur for a visit to his father Enlil and mother Ninlil in full regalia. Such is the splendor of the young god that a messenger from Nippur comes to greet the young warrior god to say that his coming is so magnificent that it would be wise for him to dim a bit his radiance. So does Ninurta, putting aside some of his weapons, not all, to enter the temple of Enlil to be greeted lovingly by his mother and Anunnaki.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


      (An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki, father to sons who came down to Earth; his son & heir Enlil; his son & heir Ninurta)

1-6 Created like An (Anu),

O son of Enlil, Ninurta, created like Enlil, born by Nintud (Ninhursag),

mightiest of the (2nd generation) Anuna (Anunnaki) gods,

who came forth from the mountain range, imbued with terrible awesomeness,

son of Enlil, confident in his strength, my sovereign, you are magnificent — let your magnificence therefore be praised.

Ninurta (Enlil‘s 1st born son), you are magnificent — let your magnificence therefore be praised.

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son & heir Ninurta, 2nd in line for planet Nibiru‘s kingship)

7-12 Sovereign of all the lands, in your massive might, warrior of Enlil, in your great might, fierce warrior,

you have taken up the divine powers (alien technologies) which are like heaven,

son of Enlil, you have taken up the divine powers which are like the earth,

you have taken up the divine powers of the mountains, which are heavy as heaven,

you have taken up the divine powers of Eridug (Eridu), which are huge as the earth.

13-15 You have made the gods prostrate (?) themselves before you.

You have made the Anuna (Anunnaki) salute (?) you.

Ninurta, you are made complete by heroic strength.

16-17 The utterance of the sovereign is a storm …….

 5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta‘s sky-disc; Ninurta with alien weaponry)

The word of lord Ninurta is a storm …….

18-23 To the hostile mountains …….

To the fortress of the rebellious land …….

1 line unclear

Lord, frighteningly fierce, …….

Fierce in heaven and earth, …….

1 line unclear

24-25 His angry utterance made a corpse of the mountains.

His fierce countenance …….

5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta eliminates unwanted demons)

26-29 Horned wild bull …….

Wild ram and stag …….

The great wild bull of the mountains …… from its …….

He put his ……, the strength in battle, in his belt.

30-40 The sovereign, with his heroic arms,

Ninurta, son (& heir) of Enlil, in his great might,

brought forth the Six-headed wild ram from the shining, lofty house.

He brought forth the Warrior dragon from the great fortress of the mountains.

He brought forth the Magilum boat from …… his abzu.

He brought forth the Bison from his battle dust.

He brought forth the Mermaid from the limits of heaven and earth.

He brought forth the White substance from the soil of the mountain range.

He brought forth the Strong copper from the shattered mountain range.


He brought forth the Anzud bird from the halub-haran tree.

He brought forth the Seven-headed serpent from the …… of the mountains.

41-46 He mustered them all before him …….

He spoke …….

He was unhappy …….

He spoke …….

He seized the ax …….

He took his …….

6d - bang, bang, Ninurta shot down Anzu (winged sky-discs above, Ninurta battles Anzu)

47-51 The warrior …… made a corpse of the mountains (alien technologies).

Lord Ninurta, who destroys (?) ……, made a corpse of the mountains.

He piled up …….

The sovereign, with his heroic strength, wreaked his vengeance (?).

The warrior Ninurta, with his heroic strength, wreaked his vengeance (?).

4d - Nergal & sky-chariot 1600 B.C.  (giant gods with sky-chariots, sky-discs, winged discs, sky-boats, flying carpets, etc.)

52-54 On his shining chariot, which inspires terrible awe (alien technologies),

he hung his captured wild bulls on the axle and hung his captured cows on the cross-piece of the yoke.

55-63 He hung the Six-headed wild ram on the dust-guard.

He hung the Warrior dragon on the seat.

He hung the Magilum boat on the …….

He hung the Bison on the beam.

He hung the Mermaid on the foot-board.

He hung the White substance on the forward part of the yoke.

He hung the Strong copper on the inside pole pin (?).

6 - Anzu, Igigi leader 3a - Anzu, in the Louvre  (Anzud bird)

He hung the Anzud bird on the front guard.

He hung the Seven-headed serpent on the shining …….

3aba - unknown mixed-breed, Inanna, & unidentified god

       (mixed-breed king, Inanna above Ninurta‘s winged storm bird, & Ninurta in his battle-worthy chariot)

64-69 Lord Ninurta stepped into his battle-worthy chariot.

Ud-ane (unidentified?), the all-seeing god, and Lugal-anbara (unidentified?), the bearded (?) lord,

went before him, and the awesome one of the mountains,

Lugal-kur-dub (unidentified?), the …… of lord Ninurta, followed behind him.

70-72 The lion who …… from the abzu,

who …… An‘s (Anu) awesomeness and radiance — the Anuna, the great gods …….

73-75 As the sovereign swept on like the deluge, as Ninurta,

storm of the rebellious land, swept on like the deluge, he rumbled like a storm on the horizon.

76-79 When, at Enlil‘s command, he was making his way towards E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur),

3a - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s temple/ ziggurat residence in Nippur, built as the Anunnaki Earth Colony Command Central, top of structure was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

the warrior of the gods was leveling the Land; and before he had yet approached Nibru from afar,

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes  (Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & son Nusku / Nuska)

Nuska, the chancellor of Enlil, came forth from the E-kur to meet him.

80-82 He greeted lord Ninurta: “My sovereign, perfect warrior, heed yourself.

Ninurta, perfect warrior, heed yourself.

83-86 “Your radiance has covered Enlil‘s temple like a cloak.

When you step into your chariot (alien technologies), whose creaking is a pleasant sound, heaven and earth tremble.

When you raise your arm …….

 (Ninurta, born of the “double seed”, mother Ninhursag & father Enlil)

87-91″The Anuna, the great gods …….

Do not frighten your father in his residence.

Do not frighten Enlil in his residence.

May your father give you gifts because of your heroic strength.

May Enlil give you gifts because of your heroic strength.

3a - Anu in flight  (King An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, father of the gods on Earth)

92-97 “O sovereign, shackle of An, first among the gods, seal-bearer of Enlil, inspired by E-kur,

O warrior, because you have toppled the mountains your father need send out no other god beside you.

Ninurta, because you have toppled the mountains Enlil need send out no other god beside you.”

98-101 While these words were yet in Nuska‘s mouth, Ninurta put the whip and goad away in the rope-box.

 (Enlil, King Anu, & Enki in winged sky-disc)

He leaned his mace, the strength in battle, against the box and entered into the temple of Enlil.

3n - Nippur excavations (mud brick city of Nippur way below Enlil‘s residence)

102-107 He directed his captive wild bulls into the temple.

He directed his captive cows, like the wild bulls, into the temple.

He laid out the booty of his plundered cities.

The Anuna were amazed..…..

Enlil the Great Mountain made obeisance to him, and Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) prayed to him.

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, Enlil‘s equal spouse)

106-112 The great mother Ninlil (Nannar‘s & Adad‘s mother, Ninurta‘s mother is Ninhursag),

from within her Ki-ur, spoke admiringly to lord Ninurta:

“O wild bull, with fierce horns raised, son of Enlil, you have struck blows in the mountains.

Warrior, lord Ninurta, you have …….

You have …… the rebellious land.”

2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (future King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, aliens forced under a dominant “One-World-Order” rule)

113-118 Lord Ninurta answered her:

“My mother, I alone cannot …… with you …….

Ninlil, I alone cannot …… with you, for me alone …….

Battle arrayed like heaven — no one can rival me (?).

Like the deluge …….

Smashing the mountains like reed huts …….

119-124 “My battle, like an onrushing flood, overflowed in the mountains.

4n - Bull of Heaven, Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna  (Ninurta atop his lion-headed winged beast)

                                                       (unidentified, Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna)

With a lion’s body and lion’s muscles, it rose up in the rebellious land.

The gods have become worried and flee (?) to the mountain ranges.

They beat their wings like a flock of small birds.

They stand hiding in the grass like wild bulls …….

No one can confront my radiance, heavy as heaven.

 (Ninurta upon his winged storm-beast)

125-127 “Because I am the lord of the terraced mountain ranges, in every direction …….

Because I have subjugated these mountain ranges of alabaster and lapis lazuli, the Anuna hide like mice.

128-134 “Now I have reestablished my heroic strength in the mountains.

On my right, I bear my Mows-down-a-myriad (alien weaponry).

On my left, I bear my Crushes-a-myriad (alien weaponry).

I bear my Fifty-toothed-storm, my heavenly mace (alien weaponry).

4m - Inanna & Ninurta with weapons, & Ninhursag
                                   (Inanna,        Ninurta, winged sky-disc, & Ninurta‘s mother Ninhursag)

I bear the hero who comes down from the great mountains, my No-resisting-this-storm (alien weaponry).

I bear the weapon which devours corpses like a dragon, my agasilig ax.

I bear my …….

135-139 “I bear my …….

I bear the alkad net of the rebellious land, my alkad net.

I bear that from which the mountains cannot escape, my cucgal net.

I bear the seven-mouthed mucmah serpent, the slayer, my spike (?).

I bear that which strips away the mountains, the sword, my heavenly dagger.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (Ninurta‘s symbol, the “Double-Headed Eagle“, born of the “Double Seed” law of succession, custom in use today with the world‘s royals, & his 50-headed mace)

140-145 “I bear the deluge of battle, my fifty-headed mace.

6f - Ninurta shoots down Anzu (aerial combat between Ninurta & Anzu, both in sky-discs)

I bear the storm that attacks humans, my bow and quiver (alien advanced weaponry).

I bear those which carry off the temples of the rebellious land, my throwing stick and shield.

I bear the helper of men, my spear.

I bear that which brings forth light like the day,

my Obliterator-of-the-mountains (alien nuclear weaponry brought to Earth for the 1st time).

I bear the maintainer of the people in heaven and earth, my The-enemy-cannot-escape.

5g - Ninurta with cycle sword eliminating demon (winged Ninurta & his winged storm bird)

146-151″I bear that whose awesome radiance covers the Land, which is grandly suited for my right hand,

finished in gold and lapis lazuli (gem stone), whose presence is amazing, my Object-of-trust (alien technologies).

 (“the perfect weapon”, advanced technologies of the giant gods from planet Nibiru)

I bear the perfect weapon, exceedingly magnificent (alien advanced technologies),

trustworthy in battle, having no equal, well-suited for my wrist on the battlefield, my fifty-headed mace,

I bear the weapon which consumes the rebellious land like fire, my fifty-headed club (alien technologies).

152-158 “Let my father therefore bring in my battle trophies and weapons for me.

  (Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, Ninurta‘s father, & Earth’s Colony Commander)

Let Enlil bathe my heroic arms.

Let him pour holy water on the fierce arms which bore my weapons.

Let him set up a holy dais in the throne room for me.

Let him set my heavenly chariot upon a pedestal.

Let him tether my captured warriors there like butting bulls.

Let him have my captured kings make obeisance to me there, as to the light of heaven.

  (Ninurta artifacts now shamefully being destroyed by Radical Islam!)

159-163 “I am the strong one, unopposed in the mountains, I am Ninurta— let them prostrate themselves at my name.

 (Ninurta sphinx, artifact from his patron city-state Lagash)

I am the exceedingly mighty lion-headed one of Enlil, whom he engendered in his strength.

The storm of heaven, shackle of the gods, I am the one whom An (Anu) in his great might has chosen.

1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch  (Inanna / Columbia / Liberty, ancient Goddess of Love & War)

161-164 “I am the (uncle to)..…., the creature of Inanna.

I am the warrior, destined with Enki to be suited for the fearsome divine powers (alien technologies).

Let my kingship be manifest unto the ends of heaven and earth.

I am most able among the gods — let me be imbued with great awesomeness.

1y - Ancient Sumeria2

168-174 “Let my beloved city, the sanctuary Nibru (Nippur), raise its head as high as heaven.

Let my city be pre-eminent among the cities of my brothers.

Let my temple rise (?) the highest …… among the temples of my brothers.

Let the territory of my city be the fresh-water well of Sumer.

Let the Anuna, my brother gods, bow down there.

Let their flying birds establish nests in my city.

Let their refugees refresh themselves in my shade.”

175-179 As Ninurta went out from Enlil‘s temple, the most bright-faced of warriors, Ninkarnuna (Ninurta‘s son),

having heard the favorable pronouncement of Ninurta, stepped before lord Ninurta and prayed to him:

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (Ninurta captures in net smaller earthlings using his alien tech)

180-186 “My sovereign, may you be well-disposed towards your beloved city.

Lord Ninurta, may you be well-disposed towards your beloved city.

May you be well-disposed towards the sanctuary Nibru, your beloved city.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Nippur with Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain / temple / residence)

When you enter E-cumeca, your beloved temple, alone, tell your wife, young lady Ninnibru (Bau / Gula),

 3 - Bau-Gula, spouse to Ninurta & mother to Ninsun

     (Bau, spouse to her nephew Ninurta, daughter to alien King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru)

what is in your heart, tell her what is on your mind.

Make an enduring favorable pronouncement to her for the king.”

187-194 The content of that prayer of the offspring of a prince,

Ninkarnuna (Ninurta‘s son), his sprinkling Ninurta‘s heart with an offering of cool water,

and the matter of prosperity about which he spoke were pleasing to Ninurta‘s heart

1g - images (alien Anunnaki carrying royal goddess descendants of Anu)

as he went in procession to E-cumecato manifest the eternal divine powers (alien technologies).

Lord Ninurta gazed approvingly at Ninkarnuna.

195-198 When Ninurta entered E-cumeca, his beloved temple, alone, he told his wife, young lady Ninnibru,

2c - Bau-Gula, goddess of medicine, & dog (Bau with her guard dog, Anu‘s daughter, Ninurta‘s aunt & spouse)

what was in his heart, he told her what was on his mind

and he made an enduring favorable pronouncement to her for the king.

199-201 The warrior, whose heroism is manifest, Ninurta, son of Enlil,

has firmly grounded his greatness in Enlil‘s sanctuary.

202-207 Lord who has destroyed the mountains, who has no rival, who butts angrily in that magnificent battle,

great warrior who goes forth in his …… might, strong one, deluge of Enlil, Ninurta, magnificent child of E-kur,

pride of the father who engendered him, it is sweet to praise you.


208 Cir-gida of Ninurta.

Pabilsaj’s Journey to Nibru (Nippur) (Version A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         SEGMENT A

 (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, born of the “double seed” law of succession)

The wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

My king, the wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

             (Pabilsaj, the “wild bull” as a winged sphinx)

Pabilsaj (Ninurta), the wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

His house, the house of Larag (Larak), is noble, his house is noble!

His city, a mighty city, is abundant, and his house is noble!

The warrior’s house is the house of Larag;

Lord Pabilsaj‘s city is a mighty city …….


3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s house, alien gods Command Central)

His birthplace was the shrine Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru) …….

The place where he drank good milk was the house …….

From the place, the pure place, ……. Isin, the unique house …….

The place which the bull embraces …….

Like a scorpion rising up from among the thorns, he is a fearsome scorpion;

like a wolf rising up from his lair, he is likely to growl;

like a lion rising up in the pathway, he is likely to beat …….

            5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son & heir Ninurta / Pabilsaj  


At that time, he wished to dig (?) in the meadows; the lord wished to dig (?) in the meadows.

The lord Pabilsaj wished to dig (?) in the meadows;

in the meadows, the meadows of Isin, my king wished to dig (?).

So then my king set off for Nibru (Nippur, Enlil‘s city).

            3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s Nippur residence, Command Central)

And as the warrior Pabilsaj set off in Enlil‘s direction,

as he he set off, now he turned (?) in front of that house in Isin.


And then my lady in Isin came out …….

At the spacious house, the house of Isin, she …… her hair, then she …… the hair in curls (?) …….

Its (her?) face…….

            1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (King Anu‘s daughter & Ninurta‘s spouse, Bau)  

She (Bau) addressed Pabilsaj joyfully: “Good-looking …… the house of Isin!


           Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (King Anu‘s eldest daughter Ninhursag, Enki‘s beloved sister)   

Warrior Pabilsaj …... born to Nintud (Ninhursag)!

You who are traveling from (?) Larag to …… that house in Isin, say to your father, “May she be my spouse!”

Say further to Enlil, “…… with me!”

Fix your sights on it, fix your sights on it, and may you be its lord!

The house of Isin …….

May you, Pabilsaj, be its lord, and may I be its lady!”

small no. of lines missing



It is possible, but less likely, that Segment B belongs after


Segment D

(Enlil speaks:) “…… and may its flax be flax!

…… and may its grain be grain!

…… may its …… be good for eating.”


And now, under that very sun and on that day, so it really happened.

…… waved their tails in the Kir-sig watercourse, waved ……. …… established the house …….

…… the most righteous ……. …… the good bull-calf, the ruler …….

…… established the house ……. …… its flax was flax.

…… its grain was grain.

…… its …… was good for eating.

small no. of lines missing



            3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula

                (Bau / Gula                        her nephewspouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for the throne of planet Nibiru & colonies)

Nininsina (Bau / Gula) …….

In the Kir-sig watercourse …… their tails …… Isin …….

Joyfully his son married a wife ……; joyfully lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta) married Nininsina (Bau)…….

She …… him the digging implement for the Kir-sig watercourse.

…… their tails …… Isin …… for him.


  (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, the Earth Colony Commander)

         Enlil stood beside the river and spoke to it.

He stood beside the Kir-sig watercourse and ……:

“River, may …… your outlet be …… for him.

May you establish …… the house here.

…… the most righteous ……, …… great wild bull …….”

approx. 1 line missing



3 lines unclear

But Pabilsaj would not eat (?) the bull in his mouth; nor would …… Pabilsaj eat (?) the sheep in his mouth.

He did not rub the …… pot …….

“Don’t go …… to …….”

They raised the …… lament, and put …….

            2j - Ninurta, unknowns, & Bau

                  (Ninurta                                        spouse Bau, aunt to Ninurta, & 1/2 sister to Ninurta‘s father Enlil)

They raised lord Pabilsaj, and put …….

They set him down (?) in the city of his sister.

His sister came out to him from the house.

5 lines unclear

            4d - Enlil, Ninurta, & Inanna

           (Enlil,                       son Ninurta,  & granddaughter Inanna, giant gods with alien high-tech weaponry)

But Pabilsaj would not eat (?) the bull in his mouth; nor would …… Pabilsaj eat (?) the sheep in his mouth.

He did not rub the …… pot …….

“Don’t go ……!”

unknown no. of lines missing

An Adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Eshtar (Lipit-Eshtar D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


           1-3 Hero, mightiest of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, who comes forth from the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence & Command Center)!

        Ninurta, lord Nunamnir (Enlil) created you like a great storm ……, he commanded you to achieve triumphs for him.

        7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

             (mixed-breed high-priest of Ur, Nannar, Martu with disloyal earthling underfoot, & Ninurta, all holding high-tech alien weaponry)         

          4 Barsud.

        5-11 For you Nintud (Ninhursag) has opened wide her creative hands;

        she has breast-fed you from her sweet breasts; she has fed you with the milk of vigor.

        As if you were a spectacular wild bull, she has made your figure strong (?), she has made your limbs massive.

        (mixed-breed giants were bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than earthlings, used as a perfect go-between for the gods with earthlings)

        She has fitted you out with …… appearance, awesome radiance and heroism.

          4k - Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna, Bau seated with dog
        (Ninurta, Ninhursag,       Bau, & Inanna; symbols of Enlil, Nannar, Nibiru, & Inanna above)

        Your mother, Nintud (Ninhursag), held you by the right wrist as she led you before your father in E-kur, the august shrine.

        3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  

                   (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain / temple residence in Nippur, his Command Central for the gods)

        Then she said: “Decide a great fate for the son who is your avenger!”

          12 Cagbatuku.
           (Ninurta, artifacts of the gods destroyed by Radical Islam, fearing knowledge of ancient history)

          13-15 Enlil looked at him with joy and decided his fate:

        “Uta-ulu (Ninurta), may your name be exalted throughout the extent of heaven and earth.

        Your awesome radiance will make all the great gods tremble with fear”.

        2c - Ninurta's power over the black-headed (Ninurta Babylonian artifact)

        16 2nd barsud.

        17-23 “Your roaring and commands make all the foreign countries submit.

        Your frightening look makes all enemies tremble!

        Uta-ulu, when like all the evil winds you rise to …… like Gibil (Enki‘s son), the lord of ……, the hero;

        1 line unclear

        After you have completely devastated the rebellious lands, ……, all the great gods will duly praise your supremacy!”

        …… your father decided your destiny.

          24 Sa-gida.

        25-26 ……, make …… hostile to him bow down for Lipit-Ectar, the (blood descendant) son of Enlil!

          27 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

        28-41 3 lines unclear

        You have counted …… as ruin-mounds, to be mixed with dust.

        You have swept over ……, you obliterated it.

        Ninurta, hero of Enlil, as you are sitting on your throne-dais,

        3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula
                 (Bau & spouse Ninurta, second in line for planet Nibiru‘s kingship)

        may your spouse, the true lady Ninnibru (Bau / Gula, Anu‘s daughter), who embraces you,

        step before you daily with friendly words on behalf of Lipit-Ectar!

        Uta-ulu, may you be his aid when he prays!

        May he be able to rely on your words, may he be peerless!

        May he be the king whose fate Ninurta decides, the one endowed with attractiveness!

        Lipit-Ectar, the prince who is a supporter of yours, the (semi-divine descendant) son of Enlil,

        has established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content.

        42 May the the shepherd, the expert, most wise in leading, guide the people for you!

          43 Sa-jara.

        44 Great hero, when for prince Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ishtar)

        you reduce to heaps the rebellious lands which are insubordinate to him, may ……!

          45 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        46-49 Lord, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy!

        Ninurta, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy, may you put a weapon (alien weaponry technologies)

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, warrior son & heir to Nibiru throne, after father Enlil & grandfather King Anu)

        into the mighty hands of prince Lipit-Ectar which will snap his enemies in two as if they were reeds!

        50 Its uru.

        51 An adab of Ninurta.

Adabs to Ninurta for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan O): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        Version A

        SEGMENT A

        1-30 Great hero, strongest in heaven and earth!

        Ninurta, who controls perfectly the fifty divine powers (alien technologies) in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)!

        …… governor for his father (Enlil), rising raging storm, who extends terror …… towards the foreign countries.

        …… roaring ……, who casts fear upon the people, who has no rival!

        Ninurta, surpassing in vigor!

         (son to Enlil & Enlil‘s 1/2 sister Ninhursag, born of the “double seed” law of succession to kingship)

        …… great and majestic strength ……, …… of Enlil, …… of Enlil, ornament of the august shrine!

        …… whose radiance ……!

        1 line fragmentary

        …… the neck-stock of the gods.

        1 line fragmentary

        …… among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

        …… exceptionally mighty ……. …… lord, the son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills,

        4h - Ninurta, Ninhursag, & fighting Inanna
                    (Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna, possessing alien high-tech weaponry)

        and rides (?) upon the numerous divine powers (alien technologies).

        …… great hero, surpassing dragon, perfect lord, …… without rival (?)!

        Great hero confident in his strength!

        1 line fragmentary

        ……, whose decisions cannot be countermanded, …… what he says is firm.

        …… august (Royal Prince) son of Enlil!

        …… overpowers (?) the mountains, …… the Great Mountain, Enlil …… in the E-kur, throughout the entire extent of heaven and earth.

        …… his great …… covers ……. …… raging …….

        1 line fragmentary

        up to 8 lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-4 His words are precious, and what he says is true.

        5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta eliminates unwanted DNA created demons)

        Ninurta, lion raging against the disobedient!

        Authoritative one, who makes the foreign countries submit …….

        5 Sa-gida.

        6-7 May Ninurta look upon (King) Icme-Dagan …… with a life-giving gaze!

        8 Its jicgijal of the sa-gida.

          9-30  Uta-ulu (Ninurta), riding on fearsome radiance ……, greatest amongst the great lords ……!

        Ninurta, perfect in authority, caretaker of heaven and earth ……,

        lord who was given strength by Nunamnir (Enlil), confident in his strength ……!

        Ninurta, foremost ……!

        Enlil ……!

        …… like a butting bull!

        …… your foot on the disobedient!

        Great hero ……!

        …… the distant hills!

        7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil (high-priest, Nannar, Martu with earthling underfoot, & Ninurta)

        …… the enemy lands into the king’s hands! Ninurta, …… helper of Icme-Dagan in the mêlée!

        …… his majestic weapon (alien technologies)!

        …… the rebellious, disobedient land!

        5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta with the “50-headed mace”, alien high-tech weaponry)

        …… his majestic mace the enemy!

        …… battle …… enemy!

        May ……Icme-Dagan ……!

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT C

        (Segments C and D might well belong to a separate composition)

        1-9 2 lines fragmentary

        …… lord of the nether world.

          2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with crew of 50)

        Enki …….

        5 lines fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT D

        (Segments C and D might well belong to a separate composition)

          1-18 8 lines fragmentary

        3c - Enki in the Abzu  (Enki, patron god of Eridu, not Anu‘s successor, not born of the “double seed” law of succession)


        9 lines fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        Version B

        1-19 up to 3 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        rising raging storm ……, …… lion ……, …… like …….Ninurta.

        …… …… strength …….

        3 lines fragmentary

        …… the neck-stock of the gods.

        …… who has no rival, …… the foreign countries.

        Ninurta, ……Anuna (Anunnaki) gods!

        Lord in the E-kur, mighty ……!

        Uta-ulu (Ninurta) …… great strength ……, who has come forth from the hills and …… on the numerous divine powers!

        Ninurta ……, perfect lord ……!

        Great hero, who …… the mountains, and destroys their stones (?) totally!

        4e - Inanna, Ninurta, & Enlil
                            (Inanna, Ninurta, & Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, heir to father King Anu‘s throne)

        20-35 Adviser, whose decisions cannot be countermanded!

        Ninurta, whose utterances are firm!

        Hero, lord, august son (& heir) of Enlil!

       7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars  (mixed-breed king, mother goddess Ninsun, & her father Ninurta)

        …… overpowers (?) the mountains.

        Ninurta, prominent in the E-kur!

        5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (ancient image of Ninurta‘s flying disc)

        His huge storm ……. …… furious …… against the rebel lands.

        1 line fragmentary

        Ninurta, ……, great hero, who …… the enemy.

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir to the throne of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        Hero.….. Enlil …….

        2 lines fragmentary

        …… wicked …….

        His …… on the foreign countries, …… covers the Land like a garment.

        36-45 4 lines fragmentary

        Great hero, …….

         1e - procession-lg

           (Anu, Enlil, Bau, Ninurta, 2 unidentified,  Adad, Shala, & Enki)

        The Anuna gods …….

        His ……, …… are precious. ……, lion raging against ……. ……, who makes …… submit …….

          46 Sa-gida.

        47-48 …...Icme-Dagan…… life …….

        49 Its jicgijal of the sa-gida.

         08-02-15/11 (Ninurta eliminates the demons)

          50-64 Uta-ulu …… in majesty. …… the battle-mace (alien high-tech)…… the enemy.

        Ninurta, surpassing in authority, caretaker for ……!

        Lord who was given great strength by Nunamnir, confident in his strength, striding into battle!

        Ninurta, …… foremost ……, great wild bull, …… by Enlil ……!

        2 lines fragmentary

        …… of Enlil, the Great Mountain.

        …… the distant hills.

        …… the enemy ……. into his hands.

        …… Icme-Dagan, the (mixed-breed) son of (Enlil).……

          65 1 line fragmentary

        66-69 …… obliterates the foreign countries …….

        3 lines fragmentary

        up to 6 lines missing

An Adab (?) to Ninurta (?) for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan P): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

        unknown no. of lines missing

        1-11 3 lines fragmentary

        Great warrior, …….

        Brave …….

        His radiance …….

        1 line fragmentary

        …… the cities and settlements.

        Roaring lion …… to ……. Ninurta.

        Uta-ulu (Ninurta)…….

        12 Sa-gida.

        13 Lord …….

        14 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

        15-27 2 lines fragmentary

        …… in the Ubcu-unkena.

        …… the status of Enlil……. …… the power of the Great Mountain, Enlil…….

        …… my man ……. Prince (King) Icme-Dagan……. …… Ninurta …….

        7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

        …… fifty-headed battle-mace (alien high-tech weaponry)……. …… Icme-Dagan…….

       1 line fragmentary

        …… great copper throne …….

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

The Song of the Plowing Oxen: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)


(gods in blue)


1-6 ellu mallu!

Go, oxen, go, put your necks under the yoke!

Farming - farming in Uruk (earthlings taught the use of oxen by the alien giant gods)

Go, …… oxen, go, put your necks under the yoke!

I am …… of the country.


    (Enlil, giant alien Anunnaki heir to King Anu‘s throne, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander, leader of the Anunnaki giants)

I am …… of Enlil.

I am …… of the Land.


7-20 ellu mallu!

6 lines fragmentary or missing

And now, may the mother …… with me;

(Enki‘s daughter Nanshe / Nance, Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes, her symbol is pelican, or fish)

and now, may Nance (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter)…… with me.

May she put bread in my leather bag, may she pour water into my waterskin.

May she stand by for me …….

Farming - early man feeding the gods000mining (produce of earthling labor, workers fashioned into their image, & into their likeness, for the gods benefit of replacement laborers)

May she say to me, “Farmer, eat the bread!”, may she say to me, “Farmer, drink the water!”


21-37 ellu mallu!

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (re-creation of Enki‘s ziggurat / residence in Eridu; ruins of the ziggurat & city discovered after thousands of forgotten years in time)

In the temple he lay down to dream with Nance.

He said good night (?) to Nance.

He had his leather bag filled with bread, he had water poured into his waterskin.

She stood by for him …….

The farmer had a vision (?): a young bull was talking ……, …… tied the feet (?).

The farmer said to his mother, “Bread was put for me in my leather bag,

water was poured for me into my waterskin. …… stood by for me.”

4 lines missing or fragmentary


38-61 ellu mallu!

What ……?

What ……?

Who ……?

Who ……?

Who …… the clods?

Who …… the birds?

On the right ……, on the left …….

1 line fragmentary

“My big hooves …….”

The stars in the sky ……. …… will make straight its …….

Farming - plow & seed in Sumer (alien gods prepare modern mankind for self-survival)

The ox …… let his thick tongue hang down, …… he replied,

“I am an ox, but just a young ox, in whose muzzle hair has not yet grown.

No dust has fallen yet on my shoulders.

My master, why am I so valuable?”

“My stalwart calf, I shall speak to you only once, so pay attention.

What a plow (?)! Your fathers are four.

What a plow (?)! Your mothers are eight.

2b - Utu  (Utu, Enlil‘s grandson, commander of their space port by his patron city Sippar)

May Utu guide straight your fine plow!”

Farming - naked plowman seal (earthlings in the “Eden” / Sumer, replacing alien minor gods)


62-65 ellu mallu!

housing - Housing - tents of early modern man (aliens 1st granaries & cattle pens on Earth Colony)

The early-working farmer, the shepherd of the holy cattle-pen, the young man who, since his youth,

has had a wife and has had sons, does not …… alone.


66-91 ellu mallu!

Astronomy - solar system with Nibiru James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

 (our Solar System on a 5,000 year old tablet; earthling shepherd, Ninurta, & Enlil handing over burdens of the plow to mankind)

I …… the stars in the sky,

I …… a gleam in the sky.

I …… the bedding on the roof.

22 lines fragmentary or missing


92-118 ellu mallu!

Enkimdu, he of dykes and canals, says to the lord ……,

“My king, I want to ……. I will irrigate your fertile fields …….

The early rain ……”

11 lines fragmentary or missing


119-142 ellu mallu!

The harrow, the comb of my field, must be fitted with large teeth to harrow the holy field.

The mattock must dig the edges. Remove the stumps!

The mattock must dig the edges.

Once you have taken down from the beam your holy plow which was hanging from a beam,

a skilled carpenter must tighten its bonds. …… its side boards.

13 lines missing or fragmentary

…… the measuring reed in his right hand.

Enkimdu, he of dykes and canals ……, should …… for you in …….


143-148 ellu mallu!

Go, oxen, go, put your necks under the yoke!

Go, …… oxen, go, put your necks under the yoke!

 (early earthlings & plow with seed feeder, taught by the gods)

Tread the furrows of the fertile field, walk the sides straight.

In the alehouse, the joy ……, ……Inana (Inanna) …… a place of relaxation.

…… is restored again …….


2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth Bull with human head, period of king Gudea, around 2140 BCE. Blue-black steatite. AO 3146 See also: 08-02-13/52 (right)

   (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir apparent; Ninurta as sphinx at the gates;             Ninurta)

149 An ululumama song of Ninurta.