Category Archives: Bau

Prayer to Gula for Esarhaddon (127)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        […] … […] … […] [… w]ho to his … not … […]

          […] … paid attention to the mention of his name, his command […]

          […] brings quickly before […] [… unsub]missive to the comma[nd]

          […] destroyed [that] one, making the inhabited world shake […] the god, his helper,

          [… wi]th his help, they knelt, beseeching his lordship […] did not bear my yoke (lit. “pull my yoke-rope”)

          [who took] away [the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa], appropriating (them) for himself

          […] did not fear his command or the mention of his name, and was not afraid of his lordship

          […] inundated and leveled like a flood.

        […] his own [fear] overwhelmed him and his life ended.

          [… he to]ok as booty and brought to Assyria.

          (Assyrian King Esarhaddon rebuilds Marduk‘s ziggurat residence in Babylon)

          [Esarhaddon, gre]at [king], mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

        [king of the four quarters (of the world)], governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        [descendant of the eternal (semi-divine) line of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi], king of Assyria,

           (giant alien god Ashur with King Esarhaddon & spouse;  Esarhaddon rebuilds artifact)

        precious scion of Baltil (Aššur) (Ashur), (one of) royal lineage (and) anci[ent] stock

          [At that time … the temple of the goddess G]ula of Borsippa,

        the s[ite of] which had become weak due to the strength of the (river’s) destructive flooding,

        […] I (re-)erected its dilapidated parts and reinforced [its] structure.

            (Bau with her guard dog image on boundary stone)

        May [the goddess Gula (Bau, Ninurta‘s spouse), …],

        look upon this [wo]rk of mine with pleasure [and] (…)

Damu Quotes From Texts

Damu Quotes From Texts

Damu = Son to Bau & Ninurta

Worshiped in Isin, Healer, Doctor


(Texts: All Artefacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         “She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina sharpens the scalpel.

         She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine,

         and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         My son, pay attention to everything medical! Damu, pay attention to everything medical!’

         He takes the bandages and wipes them;

         he treats the bandages with embrocation, he treats the bandages with embrocation,

         He mops up the blood and suppuration, and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

         My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land, is the chief doctor of the black-headed;

       Nininsina, the daughter of An, hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         ‘My son, pay attention to everything medical! Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

         You will be praised for your diagnoses.’

         Holy Nininsina performs for him her role as incantation priest, which Enki bestowed on her…”


         “They have told Damu, the chief barber (physician) of Nunamnir, healer of the living,

         to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!…”

Letter From Nana-manshum to Ninisina

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


       1-11 Speak to Ninisina (Bau / Gula), first-born child of holy An (Anu),

       eminent among ladies, …… of lord Nunamnir (Enlil);

       who perfects the divine powers (alien technologies) of E-kur (Enlil‘s ziggurat home),

        4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil  (Earth Colony Commanders Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

        …… of great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), with notions in her heart which are expressed (?);

        3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta  (Royal Princess Bau & spouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for Anunnaki kingship)

       wife of the great hero, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), youth who has no rival;

       2 - Bau gives medical attention  (Bau & son Damu, doctors to alien gods & earthlings)

       holy Ninisina, you reapply (?) a dressing to soothe the dark place of sores

       which no one can understand; mother of the Land, great physician of the black-headed (earthlings),

       incantation priestess of the widespread people — from the namtar demon and ……

       which are settled in a man’s body and which no one knows how to expel,

      lady of the E-gal-mah, with the help of …… you will make that person well again.

       …… to keep a person alive ……, …… who knows and listens, to my lady:


         12-13 This is what Nanna-mancum, the scribe, son of Ilcu-muballi¡, your servant, says:


          14-20 When (?) …… took care (?), she placed on my (?) …….

       The barber ……, the throne-bearer of the gods has given me …….

       Nine times she (?) has placed on my head …… and battle-axe.

       …… gathered in Nibru and Isin.

       They approached me but did not give their …… for my life.

       They have applied and created a dressing which does not hold.

       She (?) made a fattened (?) dove come (?), for my …….

Nintinuga’s (Bau’s) dog: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-9 Lugal-murub the son of Zuzu, the master-scribe of Nibru (Nippur, named after planet Nibiru),

4g - kudurru stone, Bau - Gula  (Bau’s guard dog, a boundary stone of Bau, land guarded by alien powers of might)

has fashioned for Nintinuga (Bau / Gula) his messenger (?) dog Tuni-lu-sag.

That is why the dog will wag his tail or bare (?) his teeth for his mistress the queen of heaven and earth,

the provider of food, the stewardess of Enlil, the sweet breast satisfying all lands,

the bringer of abundance, who can diagnose the intentions of the virulent asag demon

and who checks people’s bones; who examines the sinews of life and the sinews of death,

5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment (Damu & mother Bau administer medical attention to giant gods & the “black-headed / earthlings thousands of years ago)

comforting those joints; who knows every sick spot where there is affliction, torment or distress —

the kindly physician, the exorcist to the sick, who looks after the hearts of humans.

 (Bau with her fierce guard dog in Isin, her patron city, ruling over kings & earthlings)

10-18 My lady, what I have fashioned I have named with the name Tuni-lu-sag,

I call by the name …….

He will …… the throat, and the asag demon will be pacified (?).

My …… will be uttered alongside your name.

Your importance …….

I have named him with the name Tuni-lu-sag.

2b - Gula & her dog (Bau / Nungal, the prison warden with her guard dog)

May Nintinuga look after me during my life,

and when I die may she provide me with clear water in the nether world.

Letter From Inanaka to the Goddess Nintinuga (Bau)

© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

             5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment (Dr. Damu & mother physician Bau)

1-11. Say to Nintinuga (Bau / Gula), the reliable stewardess of the E-kur, the physician of the Land;

repeat to the lady, whose incantation heals the multitude of people,

whose spells make the people recover, to {my} {(1 ms. has instead:) the} relenting lady,

who loves to revive the people and loves supplications,

the merciful and compassionate one who listens to prayers.

2-bau-gives-medical-attention  (Anunnaki doctor Damu & his mother Bau tend to the ill)

You are the caretaker of the living and the dead; you are the great healer of all the crippled ones.

This is what Inanaka, the daughter of Enlil-a-mah, your maidservant says:

12-18. I have fallen ill {for a second time}{(1 ms. has instead:) twice (?)},

but I do not yet know the divine oracle concerning {my being in agonies}

{(1 ms. has instead:) these agonies}. {(1 ms. adds:) …….}

My lady, a house has been built for me, but I have to sit there with longing eyes.

My valued acquaintances {keep}{(1 ms. has instead:) stay} away from me.

I have no one who would take care of me.

Since this is full, too full for me, I am distressed.

5b - Bau & son administer medical attention (giant alien doctors of medicine Damu & Bau)

19-25. If it pleases my lady, {and the asag demon which is in my body leaves my body, and thus}

{(some mss. have instead:) may the asag demon which is in my body leave my body, so that}

{it (the asag demon) allows me} {(1 ms. has instead:) I can} step again on the {path}

{(1 ms. has instead:) ground} of life with my feet.

{I will then be your maidservant, the courtyard sweeper of your temple, and will serve you.

Furthermore after I have recovered, I will name you, my lady, as “the healer of the crippled”}

{(some mss. have instead:) I will then be her maidservant,

the courtyard sweeper of her temple, and will serve her.

2c-bau-helpers-attend-to-illness  (Damu administers medical treatment)

Furthermore after I have recovered, I will name her, my lady, as “the healer of the crippled”}.

A hymn to Bau’s beneficent protective goddess (Bau A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

(These four segments possibly belong to the same composition, in which their sequence is uncertain (Segment A = CBS 10986, B followed by C = U 16868, and D = Ni 4369))

unknown no. of lines missing

1-4. 3 lines fragmentary

Let us …… praise (?) you, the beneficent protective goddess of Bau.

5-13. 3 lines fragmentary

She does not …….

She does not go to the rich …… nor …….

She does not …….

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c  (Suen / Sin / Nannar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, father to Utu & Inanna, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur)

The barge of Suen (Nannar / Sin) as it proceeds — lady, is not yours as beautiful?

The joyous symbol of Inana (Inanna)— protective goddess, is not yours as attractive?

2a-bau-goddess-queen-of-isin  (Bau with spouse & brother, giants from planet Nibiru)

Let us …… praise (?) you, the beneficent protective goddess of Bau.

14-26. 8 lines missing or fragmentary

……, daily …… at her feet.

My lady, at his right side you …… your good …… towards him.

…… full of glory — lady, is not yours as beautiful?

…… magnificently in the Land — protective goddess, is not yours as attractive?

1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, daughter to King Anu, spouse to Ninurta)

Let us …… praise (?) you, the beneficent protective goddess of Bau.

27-34. Good woman, prayerful lady for whom has been decreed the creation of life —

each day as she goes about, conversing, from early in the morning she is to be …… at her side with honor.

Your name fills the mouth like cakes, butter and cream.

Whatever she brings from the street and the beer she brews are of the best quality.

She instructs people to provide her with the best produce of her orchards.

As a daily task, she inspects the shrine Ĝirsu.

Daily she passes before you in radiance.

            (Bau with her guard dog, & sister Ninhursag)

35-38. Protective goddess, …… you have given this person a husband in place of a father.

You have given her a husband in place of a father, you have given her a son in place of a smallholding.

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (unidentified mixed-breed king, Utu the Sun god)

1-8. I shall praise the good woman, the Utu of the Land, my goddess.

Mother Bau‘s august minister, who creates life for the king!

Holy messenger who brings the tablet of life down from the interior of heaven,

who sets rain on its way (?) from heaven, and brings forth abundance!

Expeditious, an honor to Bau and an ornament of the holy shrine,

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Royal Princess Bau, spouse to Ninurta, doctor, warden, & much more)

protective goddess of those who pray to Bau, ……

— because you love mankind and rejoice at its gifts,

let us forever praise (?) you, the beneficent protective goddess of Bau.

2e-bau-her-dog-her-sister-ninhursag  (Bau with guard dog, & sister Ninhursag)

9-13. …… with a lovely head, full of beauty, …… of lapis lazuli, lovely ……, giving advice, radiant in prayer (?),

1 line fragmentary

…… may she favor the king.

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-4. 2 lines fragmentary

……, good woman, my protective goddess, let us forever praise (?) you,

the beneficent protective goddess of Bau.

5-12. 1 line fragmentary

respected one, beloved of Bau, lady …… true cream,

1 line unclear

As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter.

Just woman, my protective goddess, lady — because you ……,

let us forever praise (?) you, the beneficent protective goddess of Bau,

feasting-governed-by-nannar-in-ur  (black-headed earthlings serving their giant goddess Ninhursag)

the lady who …… food and drink and …… in abundance,

who from the dwelling place of the abzu’s abundance speaks in a noble voice in its …….

Segment D

         unknown no. of lines missing

1-7. My protective goddess, lady ……, good woman encouraging celebration

and listening to words of prayer, guiding fine speech and tongues,

1dd-bau-administer-of-prisons  (goddess Princess Bau, seated on her throne in her patron city of Isin)

lady who loves the truth, august minister of Mother Bau,

with silver lips, directing …… and …… ears and cheeks!

Good woman, my protective goddess, your appearance unmatchable, my ……, let us forever praise (?) you.

8-18. Completely filling the …… with clear and good water,

1 line fragmentary

…… a very fine …… of woven wool, covered with šuba ornaments, …… a woolen …… thighs,

rising up like ……, with limbs as bright as daylight, exuding opulence like a ……,

with fine forearms, fit for the ……, …… fingers of silver, …… nir stone, …… the palace!

Good woman, my protective goddess, your appearance unmatchable, let us forever praise (?) you.

2l-bau-ninhursag-ninurta  (Bau seated, sister Ninhursag, & spouse Ninurta, Ninhursag‘s son)

19-24. Minister who forgets nothing, lady who …… the place that soothes the spirit, …… a patient heart,

1 line fragmentary

with broad hips ……, seemly ……, your name …… like a ……, ……, lady …… like a …….

25-28.1 line unclear

Good woman, my protective goddess — because you …… the statue,

let us forever praise (?) you who …… like cream and butter (?).

unknown no. of lines missing

A Hymn to Nungal: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-11 House, furious storm of heaven and earth, battering its own, enemies;

prison, jail of the gods, august neck-stock of heaven and earth!

Its interior is evening light, dusk spreading wide; its awesomeness is frightening.

Raging sea which mounts high, no one knows where its rising waves flow.

House, a pitfall waiting for the evil one; it makes the wicked tremble!

House, a net whose fine meshes are skillfully woven, which gathers up people as its booty!

House, which keeps an eye on the just and on evildoers; no one wicked can escape from its grasp.

House, river of the ordeal which leaves the just ones alive, and chooses the evil ones!

3a-utu-in-the-mountains-with-weapons-of-brilliance  (Utu in the mountains, the Sun God)

House, with a great name, nether world, mountain where Utu rises; no one can learn its interior!

Big house, prison, house of capital offenses, which imposes punishment!

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (King Anu, father in Heaven / planet Nibiru, to giant ruler-gods on Earth Colony)

House, which chooses the righteous and the wicked; An (Anu) has made its name great!

12-26 House whose foundations are laden with great awesomeness!

Its gate is the yellow evening light, exuding radiance.

Its stairs are a great open-mouthed dragon, lying in wait for men.

Its door jamb is a great dagger whose two edges …… the evil man.

Its architrave is a scorpion which quickly dashes from the dust; it overpowers everything.

Its projecting pilasters are lions; no one dares to rush into their grasp.

Its vault is the rainbow, imbued with terrible awe.

Its hinges are an eagle whose claws grasp everything.

Its door is a great mountain which does not open for the wicked,

but does open for the righteous man, who was not brought in through its power.

Its bars are fierce lions locked in stalwart embrace.

Its latch is a python, sticking out its tongue and hissing.

Its bolt is a horned viper, slithering in a wild place.

House, surveying heaven and earth, a net (communication & surveillance system) spread out!

No evildoer can escape its grasp, as it drags the enemy around.

2b - Gula & her dog (Nungal / Bau, prison warden of the earthlings / the “black-headed”)

27-31 Nungal, its lady, the powerful goddess whose aura covers heaven and earth,

resides on its great and lofty dais.

Having taken a seat in the precinct of the house, she controls the Land from there.

 (Bau on her throne in her patron city of Isin)

She listens to the king in the assembly and clamps down on his enemies; her vigilance never ends.

32-39 Great house! For the enemy it is a trap laying in wait, but giving good advice to the Land;

fearsome waves, onrush of a flood that overflows the river banks

(1 ms. has instead: which never stops raging, huge and overflowing (?).

When an individual is brought in, he cannot resist its aura.

The gods of heaven and earth bow down before its place where judgments are made.

Ninegala (Inanna) takes her seat high on its lapis-lazuli (her favorite gem-stone) dais.

She keeps an eye on the judgments and decisions, distinguishing true and false.

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (Ninurta with alien high-tech battle-net, captures the “black-headed)

Her battle-net of fine mesh is indeed cast over the land for her;

the evildoer who does not follow her path will not escape her arm.

40-47 When a man of whom his god disapproves (?) arrives at the gate of the great house,

which is a furious storm, a flood which covers everybody,

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta (Anunnaki giant alien goddess Bau, warden of Earth’s prisons)

he is delivered into the august hands of Nungal, the warden of the prison;

this man is held by a painful grip like a wild bull with spread (?) forelegs.

He is led to a house of sorrow, his face is covered with a cloth, and he goes around naked.

He …… the road with his foot, he …… in a wide street.

His acquaintances do not address him, they keep away from him.

48-54 Even a powerful man cannot open up its door; incantations are ineffective (?).

It opens to a city in ruins, whose layout is destroyed.

Its inmates, like small birds escaped from the claws of an owl, look to its opening as to the rising of the sun.

Brother counts for brother the days of misfortune, but their calculations get utterly confused.

A man does not recognize his fellow men; they have become strangers.

A man does not return the password of his fellow men, their looks are so changed.

55-61 The interior of the temple gives rise to weeping, laments and cries.

Its brick walls crush evil men and give rebirth to just men.

Its angry heart causes one to pass the days in weeping and lamentation.

When the time arrives, the prison is made up as for a public festival;

the gods are present at the place of interrogation, at the river ordeal,

to separate the just from the evildoers; a just man is given rebirth.

Nungal clamps down on her enemy, so he will not escape her clutches.

2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta (Bau with guard dog & spouse Ninurta with alien technologies)

62-74 Then the lady is exultant; the powerful goddess, holy Nungal, praises herself:

An has determined a fate for me, the lady; I am the daughter of An (Anu).

Enlil too has provided me with an eminent fate,

for I am his daughter-in-law (Bau/Gula, spouse to Enlil‘s son Ninurta, also 1/2 sister to Enlil).

The gods have given the divine powers of heaven and earth into my hands.

2-ereshkigal  (Ereshkigal, Queen Goddess of the Under World, spouse to Nergal)

My own mother, Ereckigala (Ereshkigal), has allotted to me her divine powers.

I have set up my august dais in the nether world, the mountain where Utu rises.

I am the goddess of the great house, the holy royal residence.

 1b - Inanna & torch or a weapon   3aa - mixed-breed king, Inanna & unknown god  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

I speak with grandeur to Inanna, I am her heart’s joy.

2d-ninhursag-attendee-ninhursags-symbol (Ninhursag & helper holding the Umbilical Chord Cutter, her symbol)

I assist Nintud (Ninhursag) at the place of child-delivery (?);

I know how to cut the umbilical cord and know the favorable words when determining fates.

I am the lady, the true stewardess of Enlil; he has heaped up possessions for me.

The storehouse which never becomes empty is mine; …….

75-82 “Mercy and compassion are mine. I frighten no one.

I keep an eye upon the black-headed people: they are under my surveillance.

I hold the tablet of life in my hand and I register the just ones on it.

The evildoers cannot escape my arm; I learn their deeds.

All countries look to me as to their divine mother.

I temper severe punishments; I am a compassionate mother.

I cool down even the angriest heart, sprinkling it with cool water.

I calm down the wounded heart; I snatch men from the jaws of destruction.

83-94 “My house is built on compassion; I am a life-giving (?) lady.

Its shadow is like that of a cypress tree growing in a pure place.

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta (Bau & spouse Ninurta)

Birtum the very strong, my spouse, resides there with me.

Taking a seat on its great and lofty dais, he gives mighty orders.

The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

My chief superintendent, Ig-alim (Bau‘s son), is the neck-stock of my hands.

He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

(Enlil, 1/2 brother to Bau, Ninhursag, Enki, etc., Earth Colony Commander)

In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false.

Ninharana (unidentified) brings the news and puts it before me (alien technologies).

My chief barber (butler?) sets up the bed for me in the house imbued with awesomeness.

Nezila (unidentified) arranges joyous (1 ms. adds: and valued (?)) occasions (?).

“When someone has been brought into the palace of the king

and this man is accused of a capital offense, my chief prosecutor,

Nindimgul, (unidentified) stretches out his arm in accusation (?).

He sentences that person to death, but he will not be killed;

he snatches the man from the jaws of destruction and brings him into my house of life

and keeps him under guard.

No one wears clean clothes in my dusty (?) house.

My house falls upon the person like a drunken man.

He will be listening for snakes and scorpions in the darkness of the house.

My house gives birth to a just person, but exterminates a false one.

Since there are pity and tears within its brick walls, and it is built with compassion,

it soothes the heart of that person, and refreshes his spirits.

106-116 “When it has appeased the heart of his god for him;

when it has polished him clean like silver of good quality,

when it has made him shine forth through the dust;

when it has cleansed him of dirt, like silver of best quality ……,

he will be entrusted again into the propitious hands of his god.

Then may the god of this man praise me appropriately forever!

May this man praise me highly; may he proclaim my greatness!

The uttering of my praise throughout the Land will be breathtaking!

May he provide …… butter from the pure cattle-pen, and bring the best of it for me!

May he provide fattened sheep from the pure sheepfold, and bring the best of them for me!

Then I will never cease to be the friendly guardian of this man.

In the palace, I will be his protector; I shall keep watch over him there.”

117-121 Because the lady has revealed her greatness; because she has provided the prison,

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter  (Bau & nephew-spouse Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & royal heir)

the jail, her beloved dwelling, with awesome radiance, praise to be Nungal, the powerful goddess,

the neck-stock of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, whose …… no one knows,

foremost one whose divine powers (alien technologies) are untouchable!

Letter from Nanna-manshum to the Goddess Ninisina (Bau) About His Unsuccessful Medical Treatment: translation


The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-11 Speak to Ninisina (Bau / Gula), first-born child of holy An (Anu),

eminent among ladies, …… of lord Nunamnir (Enlil);

who perfects the divine powers (alien technology) of E-kur (Enlil’s home),

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (images of Commander Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil on city wall)

…… of great mother Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse),

with notions in her heart which are expressed (?);

wife of the great hero, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), youth who has no rival;

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Princess Bau & her nephew-spouse Crown Prince Ninurta)

holy Ninisina, you reapply (?) a dressing to soothe the dark place of sores

which no one can understand; mother of the Land,

great physician of the black-headed,

(slien Dr. Damu & mother physician Bau administer medical treatment)

incantation priestess of the widespread people — from the namtar demon and ……

which are settled in a man’s body and which no one knows how to expel,

 (bottom panel: Damu & mother Bau with patient)

lady of the E-gal-mah, with the help of …… you will make that person well again.

…… to keep a person alive ……,

…… who knows and listens, to my lady:

12-13 This is what Nanna-mancum, the scribe, son of Ilcu-muballi¡,

your servant, says:

14-20 When (?) …… took care (?), she placed on my (?) …….

The barber ……, the throne-bearer of the gods has given me …….

Nine times she (?) has placed on my head …… and battle-axe.

…… gathered in Nibru and Isin.

They approached me but did not give their …… for my life.

They have applied and created a dressing which does not hold.

She (?) made a fattened (?) dove come (?), for my …….

A Hymn to Nininsina (Nininsina D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-7 Lady, surpassing with august divine powers (royal alien technologies),

with head high, full of awesomeness, beloved daughter of great An (alien King Anu)!

1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, Royal Princess to King Anu of Nibiru & his Earth Colony)

Nininsina (Bau / Gula), born of Urac (Nammu), from the great womb ……

a great destiny, grandiloquent counselor of her own father,

1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat / house in Nippur)

good stewardess of E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence, Command Central for the Anunnaki)!

Beautiful ……, glory of the holy throne-dais, merciful, …… of the black-headed (earthlings)!

2a - Bau, goddess & queen of Isin (Bau & 2 of her related giant aliens on Earth Colony)

Holy Nininsina, making everything manifest!

My lady, …… in a white garment and cloak!

The impressive course of your outstandingly great deeds, which surpass description, is praised.

 (Sky-Father King Anu hovers in his winged sky-disc, watching from above)

8-18 Your own father …… holy An has assigned to you supreme divine powers (alien technologies)…….

Lady, …… mercy, who …… man, who lets …… stand up (?), you brought …… from the womb.

5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment (Bau‘s doctor son Damu, patient, Bau, her guard dog, & her spouse Ninurta)    

Your medical skills heal a man, …… a man.

Lady who benefits a man …… with her incantations, and gives ……!

Sores …… a man’s body, her spells …….

A pin at her (?) throat, …… on her (?) body.

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta  (Princess Bau & her nephew / spouse Ninurta, son & heir to Enlil)

Lady, the plant of life …….

The dying man ……. Nintilmud, …… man …… shining …….

He is entrusted (?) into the good hands of his god, ……

1 line fragmentary

approx. 40 lines missing


1-22 2 lines fragmentary

1 - Isin, Bau's home city (Sumer, “Eden”, land of the gods “between the rivers”, 1st cities on Earth)

Isin, the city …….

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 1dd - Bau, administer of prisons  (Bau / Nininsina on her throne)

The wicked ……. Nininsina …….

Egal-mah, the throne-dais (in Nippur) …….

The two of them …….

The king summoned by name …….Nininsina……. …… desire …….

1 line fragmentary

Isin …… its offerings and gifts ……, …… chair for you ……. …… enter Nibru (Nippur).

…… rightly ……. …… the gods ……

4 lines fragmentary

 (An / Anu, Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru‘s one-world-order & Earth Colony, father in Heaven / Nibiru to ruling gods on Earth)

Nininsina, exalted child of An, ……, it is sweet to praise you.

Shir-namshubs to Nininsina (Nininsina B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-15 Softened with the finest oils, softened with the finest oils — for her let the finest oils be brought!

So that she can be softened with the finest oils, let flowing oil be brought for her.

For my beautiful ……, who is luxuriance, for my lady Ninsirsir,

Ama-ugu-kuku, for my lady sitting in wine, for Nininsina (Bau / Gula) sitting in wine,

 (Anunnaki alien giant Royal Princess Bau upon her Isin throne)

to make the fire blaze in the sky; for my lady bathing like a swallow,

let cedar oil and cypress oil, and cedar oil, the aromatic which is beloved of the gods,

and cimgig oil, and …… oil, and holy cow’s butter and dairy cow’s milk,

and ghee brought from the holy cattle-pen and milk brought from (?) the sheepfold,

oils wafting up into the heart of heaven like aromatic resins,

and ligidba plant oil and white cedar oil — let them all glisten on her!

16-24 May she dribble with aromatic cedar resin upon her throat,

with white cedar oil on her breasts, with oil on her eyes!

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top right, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wood transport for the building of a palace. Bas-relief from the Palace of King Sargon in Khorsbad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Center panel, for continuation see 08-02-16/18,20 Gypseous alabaster.  (sacred Lebanese cedar, timber shipped to Mesopotamia for the gods)

Let the finest oils be sprinkled for her!

May her neck be made to dribble with aromatic cedar resin!

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus  (ex: Inanna, Goddess of Love)

May the finest oils be sprinkled for her on her combed pubic hair and the hair of her head!

May the finest oils be sprinkled on the lustrous nape of her neck as it turns!

May the finest oils wash her hands and feet and her inner thighs!

May her limbs and her perfect features lie in the oil!

May the woman drip with oil as a cow that has been stood in the water!

25 24 missing lines.

Worshipper adoring the Great Goddess,seated on a winged griffin. Her symbols,moon-sickle and stars, in the background. Bronze, H: 4,2 cm AO 23004  (Ninhursag & sister Bau with alien technologies)

26 A cir-namcub to Nininsina.

Nininsina’s Journey to Nibru; a Shir-namshub to Nininsina (Nininsina C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artefacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-18 14 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

…… escorts her to …….

She sails on the Euphrates, amid the holy reed-shoots; …….

            1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta  (princess Bau, Anu‘s daughter, Medical Doctor of the alien Anunnaki)

She moors the boat at the Wine Quay; Enki …….

19-25 Humbly she …… Enlil’s house.

             3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth  (Enlil‘s house of mud bricks, “great mountain” built by the Anunnaki, repaired by earthlings, top of ziggurat was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

She …… food offerings …… of Enlil.

She slaughters cattle and sheep ……Enlil.

            (prince Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander, 1/2 brother to Bau)

…… greets her from his eternal royal offering-place; …… his shining …… upon her.

Joyfully …….

1 line fragmentary

35 lines missing